Aww that was my kids last summer! Trying a new variety this year but yea can’t beat that kind of veggie eating haha

Ha! I’m not above a good threat. But that’s great to know, I honestly hadn’t researched very far but the comorbidities make sense and I may have one. Gonna keep trying the old fashioned way for awhile since I just started getting serious about it and plan to discuss again with my dr at next physical. Thanks so much!!

Hahah love that, it’s so funny how we personalize these little plants isn’t it?

Hi, are you me? JK but very similar—39F, 5’5, CW 183 GW 155 and making similar lifestyle changes. But I’m curious, how did you get approved for a weight loss drug? My doctor kind of dismissed my concerns about my recent weight gain with some broad advice about activity and diet, I assumed it would be really tough to get her to even consider medication.

Great idea about shoots for a salad, never thought of that!

Alright, I’m convinced, experiment it is!

Thanks, I’m leaning towards letting it ride after reading these comments!

See, this is why I’m confused, ha…I went to the site and read that too but the other comments sound like it will in fact vine/climb. So I guess we’ll see!

I have no idea and every time I think about it I’m like “I could Google this” and then I…don’t. So it’s gonna be a surprise! Haha

I was you a year ago—Reddit and this sub in particular will be your best friends! No reason I can think of not to put it down now if the raised bed is secure and it won’t wash away.

Oh interesting! And that’s hilarious about the qtip, gonna try that next time haha

Extremely random that I landed on this many months old post but just wanted to say I experience the same thing and it is WILD. Luckily I’ve never had it last hours but every time I’m absolutely sure I’m going to throw up, often start moving to the bathroom, and then I sneeze and…poof, it’s gone. The one thing I read awhile back was that it may have something to do with the vagus nerve? My brother weirdly sneezes whenever he takes a shot haha and has read something similar about wires getting crossed internally.

“Thinking germination wasn’t a sure thing” is how I ended up with about 29 tomato seedlings…Godspeed 😅

Yes peas are in already and just started coming up yesterday for us! Good call on radishes.

(And don’t worry, the mistake is all mine lol, not hers)