The original interview was in Japanese but this article talks about what he said. Miyazaki could be trolling us but I don’t believe that is the case here.

No. There was nothing in game that pointed to that. People confuse some of the lore about the walking mausoleums demigods and apply it to Godwyn. 

Maybe I missed something in penguinz0’s SotE video but I didn’t get the impression he was saying they are low tier. He just likes to use fist weapons. Honestly, even if he did, I’m not sure why I should care.

Who ever heard of a game forcing you to change your play style to overcome a challenge? Total BS!

Don’t you get there through the flooded church district? Drain the area and take the path on the first floor of the main temple heading north.

I agree but you are on here asking to be convinced to continue. If the dying is frustrating to you then you probably won’t like it. Even after playing for awhile and leveling up you will still die to random enemies a lot. With the exception of some broken builds I don’t ever feel like a super powered hero in the game.

Might not be a game for you. I love Elden Ring but know it’s not for everyone.

Because this boss is tough. Good practice though. I died on them tons my first play through.

It’s also left over from an agrarian society. A good breakfast made a lot more sense when you were going to be doing a lot of manual labor in the morning. We are pretty sedentary now so it’s not as important.

I think there are 5 or 6 of them. Some have high ground where you can throw pots in them. Speeds it up. I think a good solution would be to allow this technique for all of them.

No. They are all wealthy. The demise and collapse of society will not affect them the same way as the rest of us. They don’t care.

Only a casual would exclude Sekiro.

He was Elden Lord not empyrean. Empyrean’s are in line to be the next god. We know it was for the GW because they had their own version of the Elden Ring which was sent by the GW in the form of the Elden Beast.

The thinking is that we don’t kill her based on the fact that it looks like she escapes into a black hole at the end of her fight.

Left pouch red flask, right pouch blue flask, up pouch Torrent, down pouch ash summon. 

If you believe Ansbach then yes. He said “Once, in an attempt to free Lord Mogh from his enchantment, I challenged Tender Miquella, only to have my own heart rather artfully stolen.”

I started the DLC at 150 and leveled as I went. I ended at 179 on my first play through. I think it all went into endurance. The DLC bosses have some long combos so I felt like the extra stamina was essential.

I’m not in game right now but I believe that from the Ellac River Cave site if grace you ride out of the cave and turn right following the river north west. Follow it for a long way and at the end there is a cave behind a waterfall with some worm guys in it. It’s on the ground in there.

The Mimic boss every time I fight it.

What are you talking about? It literally says that in the description of the parrying skill as well as being obvious by the data shown.

Edit: Not to mention that this is what I used in the Abyssal Woods to make it through.