Add another scandal to the Liberal pile. This government needs to go

She moved to Leduc next to the Edmonton Airport. Not the actual city of Edmonton

What would happen if they just invaded and settled in Northern Canada somewhere unpopulated?

NATO/USA will not get into a nuclear war to protect some frozen land the Canadians weren't using and aren't interested in protecting.

It'll be another Crimea/Georgia situation where we are forced to negotiate with the Russians while they can continue to slowly take more and more land.

This scenario may seem insane but you could say the exact same thing about Russia's invasion of Crimea and Georgia before they happened.

Democrats are asking nicely but dont be shocked if Trump wins and creates sanctions against specific regions with MPs that dont support increasing Canada's defense spending to the required 2%


I assume you are from Eastern Canada? I've always seen Canadian patriotism as an Eastern thing while people seem to care more about their provinces in the west.


A healthy Evander Kane is a fine top 6 player.

Canucks fans always come across to me as younger. You can see it with the higher quality memes.

There are a lot of old boomer Oilers fans from the 80s days which I think explains why the fanbases feel different in age.

McDavid's former agent Jeff Jackson is the CEO of hockey operations and will likely take over as the next Oilers GM once Holland's contract expires at the end of this year.

If McDavid wins tonight then he'll have a team of guys he knows can win and a GM he can trust and has worked with for many years.

I think he will stay. The real wildcard is Draisaitl because another team may be able to offer him something insane (like a max contract) that the Oilers just can't match.

I want McDavid on the Leafs eventually because the only way he can ever surpass Gretzky in Canada is by winning one for Edmonton and Toronto.

You can turn an extra room in your house into a safe injection site. Be the change you want to see in the world.

My problem isnt the terrorism. Its special interest groups hijacking Canadian foreign policy to the detriment of all Canadians.

Antagonzing a nation with a quarter of the worlds population for diaspora politics isn't good for Canadians.

Good, she'll bring them in line with what Canadians actually want and might actually one day have a shot at winning.

Vs Jagmeet where people laugh at the thought of him possibly ever being PM

EDM - NHL :61405:

They are following a large amount of players. Not just those 3. I can't remember who was on the list but it was like 15-20 players from across the league. This is going to be so big for introducing people to the NHL.

Credit goes to Bouchard, Ekholm, and McDavid imo. They are all such studs at entering the zone

Oilers fan here. Both teams were offering the exact same money. The difference was the NMC. Leafs did not want a Tavares 2.0 situation and Hyman has said that it upset him so he chose Edmonton instead cuz he knows they cant get rid of him.

If leafs give him the NMC I guarantee you he doesnt leave the GTA which he loves.

EDM - NHL :61405:

I'm so excited for the Amazon documentary and the parts following McDavid and Draisaitl through the ups and downs of this series.

EDM - NHL :61405:

They werent as good as you'd think. I remember it being something like 15 to 1. Not worth it for 3-0

EDM - NHL :61405:

No loud airplanes flying overhead too because of the lack of airport! It's almost heaven