YTA for making Matt deal with that man for years. He doesn’t deserve to live in his house even if he pays for it.

Partassipant [2]

“ make me wonder why everyone is quick to blame dad when he has done everything he possibly can to try”

To me, it’s because he started to move on and build a new life without saving his daughter first and now you’re (as a couple) like he has other priorities. That’s not how a father should be. He should want to have his daughter as much as he can have her just to save her from that environment even if it’s for a little while. 

And your “if it was my kid it wouldn’t have happened “ attitude is disturbing. You don’t even consider her well being enough to have empathy for her.

She is not the real problem here. It’s your husband. I don’t know what he needs to do to show you he doesn’t give a sh’t about you. Actions speak louder than words. It doesn’t matter what he says now, remember that he left you while you were having a panic attack for her. You’re letting him hurt you. This is not a relationship I would be in.

He actually said he doesn’t like spending time with her because he feels like “betraying” his own family. Does it sound like a father who tries with his innocent kid? He also said he put his two oldest (with his wife) therapy but no mention of therapy for Emily. 

Partassipant [2]

Well, if his kid is a danger for your kids yes. How else can you protect your kids in the same house? The person you say “just to put her first” is also his child who is living in a mess and who needs him the most. What would you do if she was your kid? Would you let her live around drugs and stuff like he does?  

Could you prove the drug problem? 

Partassipant [2]


From now on only and only cook for yourself and who appreciates your efforts.

Partassipant [2]

INFO: Why the hell her dad is not trying to get full custody of his daughter and lets her mom raise her with drug problems and stuff?? If she’s such a safety problem for your kids, why the hell he doesn’t put first his daughter and separate your ways to take care of the human he gave life???

I think you shouldn’t get married. You’re not ready to do that. You need to work on yourself and this relationship. You say you got over his cheating but even her name is triggering for you as they share the same name with his affair partner. He traumatized you and you’re still in pain and even you don’t accept it which is sad. You say you trust him but you’re possessive of him? These things are not matching. 

So you would prefer to stand with your best man at the altar whose wife ignores the existence of your partner, not with Sadie. Problem solved: Don’t get married.


Partassipant [2]

INFO: What do you do for your mom and child to develop that loving relationship like he did with your MIL? 

Your MIL is no better than a toddler so she needs to face real consequences and those are not screaming matches. I think it’s time for your husband to tell his mother that she has three months to find a job and move out for the sake of your family. Not just your stepson but the other two kids are living in this unhealthy household. That’s not fair to any of you. 


Chores part is going overboard. So yes it’s an assumption about you shouldn’t assume they can help you with that. What’s so hard to understand? 

You think you’ll stay in the hospital for weeks? Hopefully everything will go right and you’ll leave in a few days. Will you be ready to have them the day or the day after you’re discharged like your family? I don’t think so. 

It wasn’t a backhanded comment. I was very direct but you wanted to see it that way because it hurt your feelings when I said it wasn’t fair. You already said you’re naming your child after your dad. So what do you do to make them feel included? Seems like not much to me.

I actually worked with families for a while but if you don’t want opinions of people who don’t have kids go to parents sub or something. 

Lol, I don’t have time for a kid probably for the next five years because of my career choice; so you’re wrong about that but I can see why you want to insult me like that. You are just here to hear validation. Or maybe you’re a troll like others suggested at your other comments. If not; going overboard is expecting them to help you at home with chores, and baby care when your family is not available. So it’s different than common decency but idk your standards. 

Edited to add troll point: 

I think you should stop hurting yourself by forcing a relationship with them especially now. You’re vulnerable and you need to stay strong. You must show them that you can build a good life even without them so they can see how dedicated you are. Value yourself, not others. 

NAH As a woman I understand you and how could your MIL feel like. When it comes to a grandkid’s birth men’s parents gets the short stick most of the time. Is it fair? No. But that’s how you feel like. Just don’t expect them to go overboard for you. 

Edited to add because this might be a troll: 

Partassipant [2]

I feel like her mom will tell her even if she’s not there to make you feel bad.

Partassipant [2]


I think your best option is saving up for three years and going low contact after that. Get your own place and ask some of your mom’s stuff from your aunt.

Partassipant [2]

“which admittedly broke my heart.”

You’re still thinking about your heart, not Mark’s. You should be worried and try to find a way to fix this sh’t but your little heart is broken. Your heart is so little there is no space for your son so you just share it with Luke and your gf. Mark deserves better and I hope he does what’s best for him. I’m glad she has at least have his aunt so he knows what’s like to be loved.

I’m gonna be honest here. I would definitely laugh at the menu because it’s so cute! I think those who thought it’s ridiculous are not mature enough to understand love. Your dad wants to show off his wife and love, so what? That’s so cute! I think I would check the menu whole night.