My somewhat more casual team and I got past the first four encounters after quite a lot of trial and tribulation. The Witness encounter on the other hand is easily the worst designed raid encounter I've ever seen and it's not even close. It literally is just "We hated how you guys lived doing mechanics and DPS so we added a bunch of instakills during both." Not only that but holy fuck obtaining resonance and destroying armbands is so buggy.

I think you mean the Season of Dawn weapons. Season of the Lost had Vulpecula, Canis Major, Wolftone Draw, etc...

but they're heavy weapons so having one in the kinetic slot isn't normal lol


Bringing in Succession, Forbearance, and Hung Jury was questionable to say the least. Wish they would've done some weapons that aren't obtainable with origin traits yet/were sunset. All the other choices were amazing though.

Pantheon was okay I guess. I only did the first week, but it gave hardcore players something to chase after grinding out as much onslaught as possible.

ALH is kinda just superior for every scenario except for maybe chunking down a champ in solo content I guess? Better to blast a x10 shot then swap to primary to get more stacks for just general play or in DPS it's better to pair with a BnS weapon and fire off the one shot, swap, and unload the BnS heavy.

Y'all lost the plot at Monk. How do you pick Ramattra over Zenyatta, the like... actual monk?

Mfw I cancelled a Sigma ult, Moira ult, Mercy res, and a Cass ult in the same fight and we still lost it and my team said I was dogshit

I agree, it needs to be in killfeed.

Kiriko has better legendaries and all her mythic does is give her some new voice lines and a visual effect to ult. Mercy’s is way better lol

I think the Shroud of Flies will help the Moth aesthetic tbh, it literally is like a pair of moth wings. Regardless, love this look!

This thing will still be hot shit unless they buff it's damage to be competitive with literal legendary MGs though.

Yeah this one, I'm absolutely surprised it's catalyst is still the same it was pre-sword rework.

This is exactly the reason. Meta is GLs/RLs but surges absolutely matter and the only good Arc GL is Wendigo and for RL it's that world drop one or Hothead. There's better Arc heavy options than them though. If it was Solar then you'd see Gjallar + Apex with no Div and if it were Void you'd see Edge Transit + Tractor.

Nobody realistically uses it against Nez and Rhulk anymore. It only really boosts precision based weapons and since GLs/RLs are meta choices for those two bosses it's better off to just Tractor/Tether them.

Though for more casual players I guess it's mandatory on almost everything still for some reason.

Is Overwatch not literally holding a twitch drop event right now? That's why it's numbers are not lower than 10k atm lol

They stopped showing off raid/dungeon weapons with Beyond Light. We were unaware of Eyes of Tomorrow, Collective Obligation, and Conditional Finality until the raids dropped.

Bruhhh what the fuck. This is genuinely so annoying, like cancelling Sig ults was something that gave LW somewhat good value, how do they manage to constantly make this hero's utility worse even when they aren't actually touching him?

Bro just go look at the TWAB to see what you can do cause you definitely haven’t yet lmao

Shouldn’t need Assassin for that unless you’re running Combination Blow. All the other powered melees inflict a debuff and will trigger Stylish Executioner on their own.

I did the same thing a while ago and was shocked at just how much it makes Teemo spam ult. He did like 20k dmg in one round and quickly and easily became my hard carry unit. IIRC my build was Blighting Jewel, Nashoor's Tooth, and the Inkshadow item that wounds and deals DoT.

After his first ult, he literally just proceeds to spam ult and it's insane how quickly his damage ramps up after that.

Yeah I mean I've hit Mythic 10, Storyweaver 10, and Fated 10 and won the games I hit them. You should absolutely win with ease unless against another prismatic trait or a 3* 5 cost.

Not with cataclysm unless they changed it recently and I’m not aware of this.

It’s always needed a couple seconds or so of being airborne to send out the seekers.

Cataclysmic also doesn't get it's full damage because it needs to be airborne long enough for the seekers to come out.

You're effectively using just default Nova, Vortex is better as a result.