Imagine if instead of wasting all that money to put their annoying ads in front of every YouTube video, Webtoons management used it to pay their creators decent compensation…

The only problem with Clark and Lois is they’re definitely that “sickeningly sweet” over affectionate couple that takes joy in embarrassing their teenage offspring half to death

The people who worked on it did a great job. It would have been so easy to phone it in for a quick if forgettable cash grab, but it’s clear that everyone from the actors and the writers to the costume and set designers put an incredible amount of thought and passion into the show!

She’s in the military industrial complex- “good” isn’t an option

Definitely gonna be the “out of context” pic for this fandom

Omg! Thank you so much! I’m glad I could lift your spirits! Grandfathers are amazing. I’m sure yours would want you to live your best life and spread kindness and love like he taught you! That’s what I think when I’m missing mine. Hugs back!

Reminds me of something I learned as a teen- you will never regret expressing your love to someone you truly care about. I was living with my elderly grandfather (a very kind and loving man), and I realized that I would only regret the instances I didn’t spend time with him or tell him I loved him, never times I did. He passed in 2019, and while I still miss him, I have no regrets.

“It’s better to ask and maybe seem stupid than to mess up and confirm it” Theres so many mistakes that can easily be avoided if you just ask for clarification or even just to confirm you understand!

Pretty much my favorite comic. The art, the action, the comedy, the characters, they’re all outstanding!

:Scully-V: Vin Scully

I need a photoshop contest too

Pretty much all the big vines (ninki manaji, they were roommates!, I thought you were American, power of godand anime, the good kush). People are still referencing them 10 years and two platforms later

Someone needs to lay off the porn

As I said, Nixon was the one with an enemies list

I thought it was Nixon with an enemies list?

And I love how offended they both get

I also recommend “My ID is Gangdum Beauty” for deeper explorations into beauty culture (specifically plastic surgery and society’s double standard to it)

I really don’t know how these companies/bosses haven’t been sued for work place harassment. The worse one I remember is the RUNWAY, where the boss outright says “I’m going to bully everyone here except the female lead because I like her better than you”.

I think the most annoying part was that creators kept introducing interesting plot threads and either ignoring them or just resolving them way too quickly (I think it’s most notable in the “Nancy runs for office” subplot)