I wash my hair with shampoo like once every two weeks but I do wet it everyday & condition daily. It’s more of a sensory thing for me though, I can’t stand washing my body and not wetting my hair.


Hi Thanks! I’ll look at those!! also he does already have rubber boots but we pretty much just buy a new pair from Walmart when those get torn haha

Not really any set budget, I’m just trying to find something that will last him a year or two that are comfortable and can take a beating.

Work boot recommendations? Boots Buying Help

My husband is looking at Carolinas, Thorogood, and red wing. He works in all types of things like plumbing, concrete, hand digging trenches, tunneling under homes, leveling land.

He is HARD on his boots! We pretty much buy new boots every few months but I was wondering it would be worth it to buy some good quality boots for him, save his back a little.

What would you recommend?

i know he did a couple of scummy things but damn he was going thru it fr 😭

I totally did forget, literally held hostage and shot 😭

Bruh spinner has like the worst luck or smth 😭Spoilers

I’m on season 9 the episode when they graduate and spinner finds out that Jane cheated on him omfg EMMMA BLEW UP HIS MF SHOP BRUH HE SURVIVED BALL CANCER HE HAD A ROUGH LIFE HIS DAD AND NOW HIS GURL BRUH WHYYYYYY 😭

i have a soft spot for him fr he seems so genuine why do the writers be doing him so dirty ☠️


When did your period come back? Discussion

Hello, I saw a post here earlier about how when your period comes back it comes back full force + extra pain (😭😭) and I was just wondering when y’all’s period came back after giving birth?

I’m going on 7 months pp, I did not have a c-section and I have zero signs of my period coming back. To be honest, I totally forgot all about periods because It’s been so long since I’ve had one. Life has been good 😊!!

Anyways, I also breastfeed and I was reading that it may not come back until I’m done with that too.

When did your period come back? Was it’s worse than before? I’m very curious!

I made it to season 8!! Discussion

I finally made it passed graduation, so far it’s been great.

I feel like this new season is going by really fast though, like first episode of season 8 is jamming so much story line into one episode it’s a lot to take in lol.

definitely, she reminds me of my friends from high school 😂😂

people who can juggle having a flourishing social life + a baby & clean home at the same time! i wanna be that girly so baaaad 😭

cold showers is true torture… i guess i’ll have to pretend to be David Goggins 💀

damn i literally just got a haircut before i straightened my hair too 😭 & i also have a filter on my shower head but it actually might need to be changed now that i think about it..

HE POOPED YAY! But yes, my pediatrician said just give it a few days!! I gave him prune juice and a little water and he finally pooped just now!!

i wish it could feed my baby banana but his dad is allergic so i have to wait till he gets older per pediatrician recommendation 😭😭

but you were right! my pediatrician said he just needs some time to learn what to do with the food & thank god he finally pooped literally right before i left this comment!! :D

Honestly, im praying for a blowout tonight. The brand I gave to him says it has 2 1/2 prunes and 1/4 cup of water in each pouch and he just about finished an entire pouch for dinner. I also gave him a little bit of water (he hates water though) and he is going to breastfeed before he falls asleep soon. I really hope he makes a bowel movement tonight or even in the morning!

I have been every few hours but still nothing :( thank you for the advice though!