Been playing a mixture of Battlefield 1 and RDR2

If anything, it also makes it worse.

Smart. I never ran into that scenario where I had someone do that to me but if I do, I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Thank you.

MW2019. Currently have about 760 or 770 hours logged into it.

what app or website are using to play that?

I ran into this situation earlier at work. When I saw her, I thought “wow she’s cute” but after that those “other” thoughts immediately ran through my head.

I was just thinking that. It’s not even a manual yet the dude wants $4500 for it? come on, really?!

Don’t you even THINK about doing that shit. You haven’t come this far just to intentionally fall back into that pit of despair. Those voices and thoughts are just satan trying to lure you back into the hole he’s had you in before. Stay strong, don’t fucking give up.

I agree. Everytime I include myself in such an activity of watching it, I feel sick. But without it, my mood increases even if I manage to have a bad day at work.

Most definitely a leak. Issue is probably the valve cover gasket, pretty common for ninth gen accords.

Dude thank you for the heads up ! About to buy it right now.

That literally happened to me during a game yesterday. I started with the French but realized that I switched to the Germans and I was pissed because when I was with the French we were winning but it all worked out later though because I switched back and proceeded to win the match.

Yes, that is the perfect way. Charge into battle like a man.

Bro instantly regretted his decision

Same. I wasn’t a big fan of it up until recently where it became a new favorite of mine as a gun. Very useful in short to mid range combat.

I would say BF1 most definitely. It’s really populated on Console. It’s so populated I have trouble getting into servers due to so many people being in it.