The first thing I did was cut off some and put it in water. They grow slowly for me so it's still's been 4 years haha. It has one tuber root now tho!

There's like 5 dill spouts mixed in with this forest of random weed....I'm going to call it and buy a dill plant. There's no way to differentiate it! Thanks for the thoughts guys!

Fair enough! I'm going to pull it all and buy a dill plant lol


Which platform ed?!?! ๐Ÿ‘€

This is the correct answer, without a doubt.

My gramma is in her late 90s. When my grandpa died, a couple years ago I heard her quietly say to his urn. "Love you, miss you. I'll see you soon. Won't be long now."

Horticulture charcoal is what I used in my beds. I had this exact thing happen to my tomatoes from manure infected w herbicide. It was so disheartening. That was 2 years ago, I'm going to try to grow a tomato plant in the same bed this year for science just to see if the charcoal was effective at amending the soil.

This reminds me of the assignment I had in first grade, it was drug awareness week & the teacher asked us to draw a poster about not using drugs. Ofcourse I drew my dad's weed pipe and a bag of weed beside it. He was pissed lol I wish I still had it (I'm in my 30s now.) In hindsight it was probably a way for them to figure out what we'd seen at home. The 90s were wild lol


He posted about it in his main account, edhq posted about it & he replied to a fan account and said it'll be him running it.

I got a good picture too, I wish I could post it in the comments. I'm not sure how lol

Keep in mind that the most vocal group is going to be the angry pissed off ones, its a biased review.

Thankyou for taking the time to explain this. So basically this person really likes this movie or something lol no deeper meaning. Lol

Jeremy for a pastor hahaha Grass for a plant


Aww Thankyou for thanking me โ˜บ๏ธ Cheers!