Hot coffee water and a well rinsed or clean mop head…dries faster and no worries on a possible residue or anything. The new coffee pots just take forever to get a decent amount. Just be careful to not spill it on customers or yourself!

We had these years ago and they sold ok but not great so were dropped after about 6 months. I’m guessing 12-14 years ago.

They are both not publicized like Heim, Hurtados and Angelos. I honestly think Smoke-a-holics is the most slept on and yet the most consistent with an amazing product across the board.

It’s the EAP, Employee Assistance Program. You can find it on QuikNet at any store. You get 5-6 paid for visits to help you through. Hopefully this helps and keep your head up!

Oh I forgot about Tulsa switching machines with phase 2! The adjustments are few and far between though. The machines can be adjusted 64oz-128oz but not often as the refill process slows the whole process down greatly. Takes about 15 min for it to fully refill the urn sadly.

It does not adjust. Each machine is programmed to do 128oz by SEB when they installed them. The display change would be for all the customers that have no clue because no one has told them. Pretty simple since store teams largely don’t even know.

The trick to these new machines is using the left button on each 5a-9a. It is from an urn on the back of the machine and is more similar to our old coffee and faster. We asked for a way to display this on the buttons but have gone no where sadly.

Oh…that makes it a lil different. I would contact the supervisor or go ahead and call your RTC and just explain. But rule of thumb is go the SM route first typically.

Contact SM and they should contact your RTC. This is the way in DFW at least to limit 200+ ERPs calling 2 RTCs.

DFW is delayed to 3/18

This is correct. Since our fiscal year starts in May, February is a QT fiscal 5 week month. Seems weird but is the QT way I guess

We did this in DFW a ton. The 1A or 2A that did most of the training got the bonus here. If it was AM training, it was typically the SM. I don’t believe they ever made a CD or Policy for it though if that’s what you are asking.

Bonuses on ERP have a base of your base store. If you work at a higher bonusing store, that shifts portion of your bonus will be at that higher rate. If you work at a slower store, you still get your base stores higher bonus for that shift. So it’s hard to figure out your exact amount, unless you call every store you’ve worked at for the month and do all the calculations. And as someone else said, bonus bases were down this month at many stores.

Linus from the future. His kids have done a hostile take over for the family business. He just wants to remember the good times.

895 in DFW is a completely custom store. 3S based but is designed to fit the downtown Fort Worth architecture.

If it’s outside of the adjustment window, need to do a SOR, if you can get the info from SM (ie ERP shift)

It’s dumb for now but some of those spaces will be the lids for phase 2…the new nitro coffees, cold coffees etc.

There is another report that breaks down to each category too. I’d have to look at the robot reports to get the specific but is Products Category Report MTD I believe

Smoke-a-holics hands down. You can get the same items as other places and just as good. But the Mac and cheese and loaded corn bread will change your life.

Or, if you know a member that has won before, we get a usb that has the videos from the year on them. At least in ‘21 we did.

So technically bonuses are not guaranteed. CSA/FSA has to be above the minimum to bonus. Yes margins have been decent, so stores have profited. But…if they fall apart, the inside sales margins have to be enough to make a profit. This is why we are stressing food.

Try resetting your password on the in store EPIC under your “my info” section. Usually does the trick.