You can. It depends on the size of the bike, and all bikes are allowed on shared pathways/sidewalks.

Was going to mention this. Also, certain types of bicycles ARE allowed on all sidewalks (this is what makes it ‘legal’ for children to ride on sidewalks). Point being, it’s not as black and white as several posters are making it out to be. It is reasonable to expect a vehicle to assess whether a bicycle is coming on the sidewalk before completing a turn.

Chappelle is about as car-dependent a neighbourhood as it gets. Transit access is not great. There are a couple new schools in the area, if that’s of relevance, but they’re bursting at the seams and depending on your exact address you may not be eligible for enrolment.

Idk why this comment angered me. They’re just photos of a mother tenderly holding her infant? Maybe it’s because I know how much it meant to me as a new, tired, and anxious mom to have pictures with my tiny baby. I think I would have throat punched anyone who called my newborn an accessory lol.

It’s more so that the ravine attracts a diverse bunch of people. What’s considered suspicious in the ravine adjacent to Whyte ave and downtown is different from what would be considered suspicious in Ellerslie.

Not sure what kind of info the police are looking for. We frequent the ravine at least twice a day, morning and night. What would be considered suspicious?

Council could have addressed the concerns (conspiracies) via communications (e.g., media blitz), but instead they chose to do it as part of the official policy document. Does council intend on including an amendment for every absurd conspiracy theory associated with policies moving forward? Are we going to assuage the concerns of these people re: 5G infrastructure and their concerns over mind control? Fluoride? Literally anything related to climate change initiatives? Not only does this set a ridiculous precedent, it’s a waste of legislative effort, AND legitimizes a false narrative. People who may have never even heard of this conspiracy theory, nor had any concerns about it, may now be confused about why our council is including this in official policy, and NOW may develop concern.

““It’s normalizing conspiracy thinking, it’s normalizing the embrace of misinformation and this can only do harm to a democracy,” Caulfield told Global News.”

This x100. We do not need a disclaimer for literal conspiracy theories. It is absolutely absurd.

I remember exactly where I was during game 7 in 2006, during and after. I’m trying real hard to temper my thoughts and not let the hypotheticals take over. No matter what, we will all remember this day. It is such a gift to have these experiences.

Weird replies. Noise pollution actually isn’t something we want to normalize. It is absolutely reasonable for people to expect quiet past midnight. Implementing bylaws to control noise is only one ways cities aim to address noise; others do it via things architectural decisions, to literally screen noise, etc.

Yay!! I know what it feels like to combat that feeling of wanting to just stay in and hopefully avoid the anxiety. So proud of you, stranger!!!

Genuinely, he is such a great example of emotional regulation on the big stage. Imagine being a young athlete watching and hearing him. Such a contrast to some of the toxic aggression you often see in sports.

Games 1 and 3 were a lot closer than the scores indicated.

I will be intermittently tearing up every 20 minutes until Monday.

Thinking of Ben’s family. I hope this brings a little joy.

I cannot fucking believe. But I knew they could. Jesus Christ. What a fucking team.

I answered the phone with “I listen to Joe” for much longer get than I’m willing to admit.

Man, some of you make grim predictions in hopes that you can come back and say “I knew it”, and maybe avoid feeling intense disappointment, but that doesn’t actually work. Might as well be recklessly optimistic and enjoy every single moment.

That’s hilarious because everyone has been counting us out since Game 4 so nothing they say actually means anything at all.

I find crossing a traffic circle as a pedestrian to be one of the times I am legit concerned I’ll be hit by a car.

What do folks use for really active days? I have a heavy period and the only thing that really works on days that I run are tampons :/