I don't think Wordle is the game for you.

Try a word search, maybe?

The vending machine is almost certainly worth more than the stamps.

It's a bit of a niche item, but there's bound to be someone who would want that for their collection.

What is record for fewest number of votes received by any parliamentary candidate?

Whilst browsing through the election results online, I was looking at the results for Clacton, Farage's new constituency. Obviously constituencies with high profile candidates will attract more fringe / single issue / joke candidates, who often only get a handful of votes.

As an example, Tasos Papanastasiou of the Heritage Party only received 33 votes on Thursday night in Clacton, coming last & it made me wonder - What is the fewest votes ever received by any candidate in a general election or by-election?

Has anyone ever received "null points", to use Eurovision terminology?

What happens to the constituency office & the staff of an MP who loses their seat?

I work directly opposite the constituency office of my local (Tory) MP. They seem to have around half a dozen full & part time staff, judging by the daily comings & goings over the last few years.

I'm curious as to what happens if (when) they lose their seat tonight. Are the staff effectively out of a job by close of business tomorrow? Or is there usually some kind of handover process for the outgoing constituency staff to pass on work to the incoming (probably Labour) office staff, wherever they end up being based?

I was also curious as to who foots the bill for the rent on the office after election day. There aren't going to be many commercial landlords that will agree to end an office lease early just because the MP lost his seat.

Just random break time thoughts really, but if anyone does have insight into what happens in practice, feel free to enlighten me.

I had to buy a new kettle this week coincidentally, as my old one died.

Previous kettle was the cheapest piece of budget crap that Wilko sold. Still lasted 7 years. Not sure where you've been shopping.

Just reply to the first one. Don't be an idiot.

Yes, you can vote. Just take your marriage certificate.


"If you’ve changed your name

The name on your ID must match your name on the electoral register. If it does not, you’ll need to either:

  • register to vote again with your new details
  • take a document with you to vote that proves you’ve changed your name (for example, a marriage certificate)"

Why would you ignore it? That's not going to make the matter go away.

Why not just follow the good advice you have already received in your previous post instead?

You have received plenty of advice stating, correctly, that you do not have valid grounds to sue Ebay. It is clear from your replies that you have no intention of accepting this advice & just want people to agree with your views.

As you apparently cannot be convinced otherwise, here is some useful information for you:

You can start the court process here: https://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk/web/mcol/welcome

Ebay (UK) Limited registered address can be found here: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/03726028

Please report back here with how you get on. (Spoiler alert: you WILL lose.)

Oh yeah, gotta get me some swampy milf on a Saturday night.

The Lebedev letter appeared in issue 1613. This response from John Sweeney was in issue 1614.

(Sorry for the late reply, only just remembered to dig out the back issues.)

To add onto this, OP's concerned about souring the relationship. If the builder is above board he will fully understand why OP wants that info and won't have any issue providing it.

The only type of person who would be offended by this request is someone that you shouldn't be giving £1.4k to.


100ml of lube max, pal. In a clear plastic bag.

It sounds like you are very angry. I think you need to take a few deep breaths & explain the situation a bit more clearly so that people can better understand the situation & help you.

Not sure, but it was earlier this year I think. Not that long ago.

If I remember, I'll check my back issues tomorrow.

I sold a PS3 a while ago.

Buyer turned up on time, first time.

Didn't try to haggle me down. Paid in cash, no dodgy notes.

Everybody happy.

Only kidding, FB marketplace is a fucking car crash of a platform, full of scammers, tightwads and time wasters!

Not all of it is over populated by a long stretch.

13% of the entire UK population live in London.

Plenty of room for most of the rest of us.

Yes please.

And a permanent ban for the "Brum is shit" posts!

It's probably as simple as it sounds. They want a reference from your accountant, if you have one.

Presumably, they want proof of income, so it would probably take the form of a letter stating what your (average) annual net profit before tax is.

Obviously not all self employed people have an accountant. If you do your own tax returns, then you may need to provide a summary of your self assessment in lieu of employer payslips / reference.

The landlord may be being awkward, or possibly he's not being deliberately evasive. Maybe he's asked someone for advice as you can't provide proof of income from an employer & he's just repeating parrot fashion what he was told without really understanding what he's asking for.

I don't disagree about the principle, I've been known to be stubborn over petty issues too.

It just seems a wee bit premature to be typing out lengthy essays on Reddit when you could focus your energy on contacting someone that actually has the authority to give you your 18 quid back.

Books are zero VAT in the UK, not 20%.