The French have a good and fair system that I think we can learn a lot from. All voters get send a pack with the policies of each party. Canvassing on the street or door to door is illegal. All parties get heard equally. They also have 2 rounds of voting, which helps to avoid tactical voting.

Don't you think that each voter should put a lot of thought into choosing based on the policies of the parties? "It doesn't matter who you vote for" sounds like the opposite and will likely result in people voting for the parties who make the most noise, which are often the ones with the most money. Not voting because you haven't done any research may also be the right thing to do.

Exactly. Our Mathematical Universe by Max Tegmark is a good read on the subject.

Division can be thought of as repeated subtraction. 12/4 is the same as 'starting from 12, how many times can I subtract 4 before reaching zero?'. 12/0 is 'starting from 12, how many times can I subtract 0 before reaching 0?'. You see the problem. We make no progress at each subtraction. The answer isn't even infinity because we're not even converging towards 0.

It will take about a month though.

UK. Numbers, clubs, balancing

They're perfect for 7 and fine for 8. 9 and 10 are doable but you need a weird start.

What do you mean by post it? You could upload it to Google Drive and post the link here.

If you'd like to upload to the STK library then read the instructions.

UK. Numbers, clubs, balancing

I don't use Russians but have tried them. There's no avoiding the fact that they feel very different. There's a kind of delay when catching or throwing the ball between the shell hitting your hand and then the filling. It's this that makes them easier to catch and throw accurately while keeping them very light. Personally, I don't like the way they feel but mainly because I spent years working with beanbags before trying them. Also, I like working on numbers and holding large numbers of Russians is a problem.

To avoid the problem of beanbags changing shape, you can use MMX style balls or underfilled beanbags. Underfilled means that they will return to a round shape in the air while also allowing you to hold many in your hands. Or just continue with the Russians and you'll get used to them, but say goodbye to ever doing high numbers, if that's something you ever want to do, because transitioning back to beanbags after years of using Russians will feel horrible again.

It depends on the stage of the pre bonsai

I guess the benefit is that you don't get vehicles driving into them and causing a release of water. Of course it does have it's issues but should have been maintained.

Air pots are used for developing pre bonsai. This could be used in a similar way.

If you create 2 identical frames then you can set inbetweens between them to make pauses of any length you want. Does that help?

I'm not 100% sure what you mean, but if you select a group of inbetweened frames you can expand them to the timeline from the Edit menu. Then you can adjust them however you like. Great animation by the way. You've still got it.

Germany 8a, intermediate, not currently active

Bonsai with Japanese Maples by Peter Adams. Any book by Peter Adams to be honest. What kind of maple is it?

Learning :de: :fr:

I think OP is suggesting that Duolingo is creating these bots, so reporting it would be futile.

So are magic performances. This is similar because most people cannot see how it works. Are we only allowed to post real magic on here? What I don't see is how this relates to crime.

It's great that you can admit that. I just wanted to say though that maths isn't something you have to be taught to be able to do, like history or science. You can work out how to do it for yourself. The only thing you need to know is the notation to be able to understand the question. Also, once you have an answer you can check if it's right by plugging it into the question again. Once you realise this, maths suddenly becomes a lot easier.

Germany 8a, intermediate, not currently active

I spent no more than a couple of hundred £s over 8 years. Most were collected trees. I bought a few pots but also made my own. When I was forced to leave the hobby I sold the trees for several thousand.

I'm interested if u/ingray84 will answer this question.

All wildlife I can think of are symmetrical. If no-one can tell that it's mirrored then I dont see a problem.

Germany 8a, intermediate, not currently active

Is this the same photo as here, or is this one more recent?

I'm not sure I see your point. Why would it matter if I was on the show or not. A question is a question and the problem with this question is that it's self referencing because it refers to it's own correct answer. That means that when you pick an answer the answer can change, and the answers here are chosen specifically for that to happen. You started with the assumption that 25% is the correct answer, which led you to the conclusion that 50% is correct. But then 25% is correct again.