Project 2025 has dangerous implications for democracy. If people want to defend the current type of democracy that America has then need to vote for Biden. We aren't just voting for one person either. We are voting for their entire administration.

Exactly, OP. And he was trying to formulate responses to the questions asked at the same time. To be totally honest with you, I can't say I would have been able to do all that mental processing in the seconds allowed either. And I'm a way younger generation from Biden.

It's not just a you thing. You're right.

If you see anything missing let me know so I can add it.

I see your point. The title was not well articulated and in retrospect I agree. What would be a better title?

You are preaching to the choir as I agree with you. I plan to vote for Biden.

I agree with you that they need a leader and I'm as frustrated with how ther nomination process has been handled this time around as the next person.

If by leveraged you mean stood up there and ignored questions and lied continuously then yes, yes he did. But that's why the debate forum is pointless. Because people (not just Trump; any candidate) are not held accountable for blatant dishonesty and refusal to directly answer questions. It's pointless.

They absolutely should. It's disturbing that they haven't. I used to be a moderate Republican. It has been strange for me in these past years as Project 2025 has seen some degree of implementation and I realized what was really at stake (our democracy).

Which is why people need to show up to this fight. While not a full democracy per se, America is still run as a type of democracy. We will lose that with Trump. The stakes couldn't be higher right now.

I don't disagree that the democratic party should have put up another person for this race. I absolutely agree. The problem is that much time has passed and it isn't easy to have Biden drop out and be replaced. We are voting for an administration and not a person, but I am with the people who say there should be a maximum age. However, since we are left with what we have here, they both need to be accountable for what they say. I see people holding Biden accountable, but people are dismissing Trump's lies and refusal to answer the debate questions directly. That doesn't make sense. It cannot be good for one person and bad for the other.

It should not be irrelevant though. BOTH should be held fully accountable for the statements they make. It does not make sense to only hold one side accountable and shake our heads and say well Trump lied, but he's a pathological liar and that's what they do so it's okay. It most certainly is not okay. I mean that for both sides.

Yes, I agree with this. We do need to rally together if we are to keep Trump out of office. We are voting for an administration; not just a person. We have to keep that in mind and remind others as well so they may maintain some sanity in this chaotic and horrific situation.

I don't disagree with what you stated about stepping down. However, I would be surprised to see that happen. I am less concerned about it than some because I understand that we are voting for an entire administration and not just a person. Otherwise, I would be scared too.

One is trying to maintain our democracy and the other is not. Neither side were held to account which is not how a debate works. Both sides need to be accountable.

Right, and it is critical to see the parallels between what happened with Nazi Germany with the rise of Hitler and what is happening now. Democracies do not defend themselves. It would be nice if they did but they don't. People have to constantly fight to defend them and that is what we need to do right now.

Biden was being trying to do two things at once: respond to Trump's pathological lies AND answer the actual debate questions, which Trump did not bother to do. Here's more reasons why the most recent debate should not even matter at this point.

The "debate" performances do not matter and here's whyDiscussion

ETA: title correction. I can't edit the title but it is poorly worded. Should read as the original, which is "Why Debate Performances Shouldn't be Overvalued: A Case Study of Biden VS. Trump"

Here's an article breaking down the reasons people should not put so much credence into the debate performances the other night.

Absolutely right. And no presidency was won based on debate performance alone. Problem is, that wasn't a debate. That was Trump standing up and lying pathologically - as he always does - unchecked, and Biden being put in a position to try to respond to both that and the actual questions being asked. Trump did not provide any straight answers to questions and that put Biden in a really bad position that many are overlooking.

People have long immigrated to the United States to escape exactly what is being forced on people. We need to remember that when we go to vote. Also, we need to keep in mind that parts of Project 2025 are already being implemented. Here are some examples.

What we watched was not a debate. The bottom line is we need to vote for candidates who stand to defend democracy, not destroy it. A debate is not won by spouting lies and refusing to answer specific questions. If that is how they plan to run these debates then they are pointless. We aren't just voting for a single person anyway. Biden doesn't make his decisions alone. He is surrounded by a lot of people who help. We need to band together right now.

So many people right now feel exactly as you do. The time to rally together to defeat things like Project 2025 is now. There is incredible strength in numbers and we have a common goal, even if we do not all agree on all of the same things. Democracies do not defend themselves.

Democrats need to avoid that division at all costs right now. Biden is not the only person making decisions while in office. Now is the time for democrats to rally together because we have a terrifying threat looming over us that we need the power of numbers to defeat.