I work in tech, expert front end with full stack knowledge. I contract at banks at around $150/hr. I believe I’m capable for any tech company in the front end/full stack space. I never thought salaries were that high, hence the contracting. I might have to reconsider since I been contracting for 7 years, sounds like things might’ve changed

I beat the game on pc but since switched to playing on ps5. I bought the base game and ordered the dlc. Does this mean I can’t start the dlc unless I beat the original game again?

Very strange. So what’s the deal here? Did they buy this account today and now trying to build karma to sell again?

Cats are very well fed in Istanbul and usually they look like this (I noticed same thing with cats around resorts in central and South America that also seem well fed) Not sure if it’s the type or it’s the fact that their lifestyle outdoor is different than indoor cats

Lolll your profile pic!!!!

Edit; oh your profile pic is what prompted that response lol

Omgggg blast from the past! What a quirky place it was. Very nice people, very good food. Completely forgot about that place

I’m rooting for you! It’s tough with gambling being so readily available and advertised so heavily. I know you can do it!

Hilarious reply. Dude, tell me about some of great French and other movies similar to Todd’s style

A lot of things here are great suggestions but you might also be suffering from anxiety, mainly social anxiety. You can try a beta blocker before events that trigger you. Talk to your doctor about bets blockers

I’m in very similar boar. Host about 12TB on my gaming machine mostly for myself in local network. I have to keep the *arr stuff up for new movies and some tv shows from free streaming and tv shows that don’t stream anywhere

Seems like you can get 2TB for around 15$ for a seed box. Seems very small for my library. I have 3 drives on my media server. I’m guessing biggest issue with seed box is limited storage around 2-6TB? Those 4K movies and full seasons of tv collections fill up terabytes quick

Their faq says Plex and jellyfish traffic is excluded from upload. So is upload more used for seeding torrents? Which would get limited after hitting that limit?

Downloading 4K movies and having a large tv library, 2TB (smallest package) seems pretty small. Do you find yourself having to constantly delete movies/shows to stay below the limit?


i was able to get season 5 dvd on second try!

Confirmation email they sent to me has 3.01pm (EST) so it was sold out after 1 minute. I hope they stock more for rest of the fans.

But today i say GO VENTURE :31478:

edit: since getting some messages, not looking to sell for any price!

i think more likely it was bot purchasers :( Get ready to pay 10x more on ebay