You're incorrect in your assumption that it's forward. You think Mao's Great Leap Forward was actually movement in a forward direction?? Seems you do.

Possibly the absolute worst example on the face of planet earth. As someone who is extremely anti-socialist, you picked the ONE example that I think the socialists have right, as there are too many imperfections in the market to make it efficient. It contains just about every problem you could ever have with a market - inability to see prices in advance, inability to evaluate the quality of work, baked-in monopolies... the list goes on and are not solvable absent extensive regulation that would likely distort the market in unpredictable ways such that even a government-run market is better than a purely capitalist one.

So good job picking the one example you shouldn't have picked.

lmao yeah right Bragg is releasing this guy next day without bail

Because his minutes were always low due to people not understanding that per-minute numbers extrapolate back then.

If he played in 2024 he would have been given way more time and had bigger raw numbers leading to way more all-stars. His case is EXACTLY like how Harden was extremely underrated while he was coming off the bench and not having starter minutes. The difference is that OKC was stupid about it and Harden wanted to be the guy, while the Spurs were smart about how the handled Manu (and Manu didn't really care about being the guy).

tl,dr; in the 2000s people though that there was a big difference in people coming off the bench or not.

Reminds of of those 51 intelligence officials who said Trump had definitely met with Russian officials (which was later proven to be a complete lie).

Agreed - Orvis is worth it just for that. I've broken my rod twice smacking it into trees accidentally and they've fixed it quickly and at low cost. that's made me an Orvis guy for life

Said this a million times (as a former prosecutor who actually read the full complaint): that case was bullshit and a clear play for money. But hey, narratives.

When I was in Scotland I saw a lot of nice looking water but nobody on it. Was that because it was all permit-required or something? Specifically the upper River Spey near Cairngorns park and the River Shiel near Isle of Skye. I didn't have my rod with me so I couldn't fish anyway, but I found it bizarre there was nobody out fishing.

Why is he looking at you like he's about to say "away with you, you brute! Keep your peasant hands off me!!"

It’s a clear result if corporations cashing in on monopoly power. We need to turn the 50 largest decent companies into 300 great companies. 

I hope Trump wins again just so people like OP lose their fucking minds for another 4 years.

100% this. Just had an experience this past weekend where the water was very clear and fairly low and euro nymphing just wasn't that effective. I caught one in a little run towards the head of a pool and then 3 more when I found a big pool and switched to a dry dropper to fish a spot that was too far to reach with a tight line.

If you listen to the tight line crowd they say they'd actually like to be able to use indicators in competitions to reach fish in the exact situation I described. They don't do it simply because they're not allowed.

Good lord. Please don't let flyfishing devolve into community in-fighting like other shitty online communities. Who cares what brand someone is into?

Oh bullshit. Java is an outdated piece of crap that’s only used by legacy codebases and washed up 60 year old professors who learned it in the 90s. Nothing about it is competitive at this point. Not even it’s “write once, debug everywhere” core conceit makes zero sense in a world with containers.  Oracle is shit, Java is shit, and the people who defend them are invariably shit as well. 

I'm curious where you think this naturally concludes, though. Did Kobe Bryant's wife with the NBA MVP award? Was Neil Armstrong's wife one of the two first people to walk on the moon?

I think contributions should be acknowledged and appreciated for what they are. But if you didn't get to the peak of half dome, I'm sorry, but your husband climbed half dome and you planned an awesome trip. Which is still great, but you didn't climb half dome.

You are confidently incorrect.

As a consultant who is frequently being paid by governments with taxpayer money, I would say your taxes are very, very often completely grifted away, and the first hint of that is an inability to explain where the money went.

Exactly. And then people put up their hands and say "Why is the middle class shrinking???" as though it's impossible to figure out.

Love otters (even if they eat my fish). What state are you in? We don't have too many of them near me.

Really great article from The Atlantic I read today that basically sums up why this is a bad idea.

tl,dr; "in-demand jobs" tend to be in-demand because they're bad jobs, which is a self-perpetuating cycle in a race to the bottom. Businesses push for more cheap workers they can exploit in order to fill the void on these jobs, making the jobs themselves continually worse but enriching the employers so long as they can continue to operate at a steep labor discount. And, the worse those jobs get, the less likely the locals are to opt into them, thus making the plea for more cheap labor seem all the more urgent to willing politicians.

H1B visas and unskilled labor migrants both devalue the labor pool of Americans, albeit at two totally different ends of the economic spectrum. It's 100% in the interest of businesses (who are the hand that politicians eat from, and therefore in the interest of politicians as well) to continue to push for more workers at all costs. It is simultaneously 100% contrary to the interests of people who already live and work here.

This is the primary reason I'm anti-immigration. The only people that benefit from unlimited immigration are the fat cats who own the megacorps or own enough shares in them for that to make a big difference, or the politicians who say "how high" when told to jump by lobbyists. Yet somehow we still have absolutely regarded folks on the left who simultaneously argue for 1) open borders 2) higher minimum wage, better workers' rights, etc., apparently blissfully unaware that if they cared about making American workers better off the #1 thing they could do is enforce the border. Skilled migration is a slightly different story, but from my experience with H1B visa holders it's extremely dubious to call them especially "skilled" for the most part, and their presence in the economy isn't leading to any innovation, just the depression of SWE wages.

Sorry, but this question is stupid as hell and I’m sick of reading “why would god do x?”.

Look, it’s simple. Either god exists and he operates at a level beyond what people are capable of comprehending, or, much more likely, there is no god. But acting like “why would god do this, see how it makes no sense??” is absolutely not the own that you think it is, because even if there WAS a god you wouldn’t be able to answer that question.