I've experienced the absolute worst Tulsa drivers when I'm doing deliveries for work. It's just a little Hyundai work car, clearly marked with the business, and you can't go over the speed limit. Front & back cameras with camera inside and an alarm that beeps if you're speeding; you have 20 seconds to slow down or whoever's monitoring sends a report to your DM. It also has one of those safe driver plug-ins that monitors your driving.

Anyway, I set the cruise control at the speed limit & use the left lane to pass, I cruise in the middle lane when there's 3 lanes, and I try to be courteous. I've been run off the road onto the shoulder, had drivers so close behind me they looked like they were in the back seat, and came within inches of being rear-ended when I slowed down on an exit. I've had drivers speed up so I couldn't merge on/off the highway and drivers decide they want the lane I'm in. I hate driving in Tulsa.

Our female doxie was that way. She'd meander on walks, but she'd dart into the bushes to grab cigarette buts. She also ate cigarettes, pack and all, if they were left anywhere she could reach them, coffee table, TV stand, etc. She was a standard, and she was looong, so she could stretch pretty far to get what she wanted. She would tag team with our little male to get our coffee and once tried to jump thru the window at Starbucks. She also ate my son's XBox headset and loved chewing on cords.

For walks, I had to keep her on a short leash, right beside me, so she couldn't lunge. Everything else required extra vigilance to keep out of her reach since she was so quick. She trained us well, and when she started stealing socks (to hide, not chew) I gave in & let her have them, lol. Seemed to cure her of everything else except for trying to steal coffee. We had to get rid of the coffee table because one of us would inadvertently forget and leave a cup within reach.

Yep, and the city tried doing their firework show early, then the storm hit. They stopped after about 10 minutes, but our neighbors kept going. Between the storms and the neighbors, our little dogs were extra anxious.

Ya, I think it won a Grammy, too 🙄

Maybe, but most hotels, even the cheap ones, have microwaves & coffee makers in the rooms. Plastic utensils & paper plates/bowls are cheap at dollar tree/dollar general, and basic ramen is pretty cheap anywhere. Canned beans/veggies/soups are relatively inexpensive as well, and store brand white/wheat bread is pretty cheap. You can make a good sized meal with ramen and some veggies or beans.

We had some pretty rough financial times a few years back & ended up in an extended stay hotel for a while. I had to get creative.

:Stark: House Stark

Mine, too! I've rewatched that scene countless times!

:Stark: House Stark

The unbelievably detailed close-ups of Drogon's and Vhaygar's open maws filling the screens are jaw-dropping. I realize they're cgi, but still...

Men go thru this as well, become involve with/marry narcissistic abusers who make their lives hell, and when children are involved, they weaponzie the children against their fathers. And I agree, it's not as simple as "just leave".

I've had smooth and long-haired doxies in the last 20 years, and I rescued my 1st silky wire 3 years ago. I have to say that in my experience, silky wires have the goofiest personalities, lol.

:Stark: House Stark

Stannis allowing Melisandre to burn Shireen and Davos' reaction when he confronted Milisadre in the Great Hall.

Ned's execution.

Robb's decapitated body being paraded around with his direwolf's head sown on.

Ramsay and Miranda chasing the poor girl through the woods, then allowing the dogs to attack.

Dany burning the Khallasar.

:Stark: House Stark

Especially Jon almost smothered when he's trapped in the fallen bodies of his army. That scene was intense and triggered so much anxiety and claustrophobia that I can't rewatch it. At all.

Shiloh's had an amazing chicken salad, but they closed (during the start of the pandemic, I think...I could be wrong). WalMart has a pretty decent chicken salad with pecans, grapes, and dried cranberries.

Are they pricey? I've wanted to try their chicken salads, but co corned about the cost. I usually make my own with grapes, walnuts, and dill, but I do like to try other options.

Our Otto is:

Autobot (I like to say, "Autobot roll out" when we go for walks lol)

OGB (Otto Good Boi)

Nosey Parker (he's a world-class snoopervisor)

Stinker Binks

Schnitzel is:

Sneezy (his upper canines were removed before I rescued him so he has fistulas)

Sneezy Beans

Sniffles (hubby's nickname for him)

Wiggles (he loves to wiggle and make tippy-taps when he gets scritches)

Our seniors who passed were named Butters, nicknamed Professor Chaos; and Gretta, nicknamed General Disarray. Their nicknames suited them perfectly.

I wanted to say thank you for reading my post and commenting. I also wanted to provide an update. I had a very long and emotional conversation with my husband this weekend, and he was way more supportive than i thought he would be; he said he would do whatever it takes to help me through this.

I contacted EAP and was referred to a bereavement specialist, and my first appointment is today..

When we moved in 4 years ago, our townhouse was $825/mo and has steadily increased every year. It was $895, then $995, now it's $1095. And they have no regular maintenance here, so if something needs fixed, we have to wait a while. So frustrating because we've had plenty of rent increases and very little inside repairs/upkeep.

We do have a pretty responsive landlord when it comes to emergency repairs, but since they had to fire the maintenance guy a couple years ago, regular maintenance requests don't get done.

I'm sorry for your loss, and I understand what you're feeling and where you're at. We had our dachshunds for 15 years, from the beginning of our relationship, so they were a very large part of our lives. They both passed within 5 days of each other, 3 years ago, and I am trapped in my grief. It's overwhelming and consuming, and I can't move past it because when they passed, it felt like our marriage went with them. My world literally shattered.

I had a very long and emotional talk with my spouse, and I will be getting grief therapy with someone who specializes in bereavement. I know you said you have tried therapy and it didn't help...have you tried grief therapy? Maybe with a different person? You need someone to help you work through your grief and find some healing. Be kind to yourself and know you are not alone. I wish you the best.

:Stark: House Stark

And to keep Sansa in KL where he could watch her. I don't think Tywin would have let Sansa & Tyrion return to Winterfell unless there was an heir. And if the Boltons, particularly Ramsay, are still in Winterfell, it would be another battle Tywin would have to win, as I don't see Ramsay packing up & leaving.

My birthday is in April, and when I was younger, a lot of my birthdays fell on/around Easter, Good Friday, or Palm Sunday. When our large Catholic family would get together on those holidays, my grandmother would make me a personal cake, either in a bunny or lamb shape and covered in frosting and coconut. And, of course, as a little kid, I was especially bratty to my siblings and cousins about how special I was and how my grandparents loved me best. I was really insufferable, lol.

I get that she may have been raised JW, so she may be unfamiliar with celebrating birthdays, holidays, etc. However, she is most likely placing way more importance on the cake/celebration than she needs to, and the more she talks, the more she comes across as unhinged. And entitled, since she ordered a cake she couldn't afford and is ignoring the person who wants to be paid for their work. Not to mention the passenger princess line.