:Max:I can play the game now:Armadyl:

No, the dungeoneering hole... But you can also do that.

:Max:I can play the game now:Armadyl:

I also dont like that the FSOA will just be a item to put on the ammulet, like man, i wished for almost a decade to be able to wield the staff of armadyl and when i finally have it in my hands, it isnt even a main weapon and now it will become an amulet, that is a big let down.

I sit the whole video waiting for something to explode out of nowhere, im now dissapointed.

LOL, los estado unidenses son los mas hambriados de reconocimiento wey, que dices jaja.

Imag铆nate ser fan de la selecci贸n mexicana de futbol, jajaja

Canonically it doesn't have a name. Gaster blaster was found as it's name in the game files.

Ainz considers everyone in nazarick a family member, if I had the power I too would fight anyone that hurts my parents or brothers, also shalltear would had leak all the Intel of nazarick if she didn't kill the wearer of the WI, so they are a threat because they have the power to make a servant of nazarick a traitor which is a huge deal. And the fact there is a world item mixed in all that it is too a good incentive to invade and steal every treasure said country has, including the world item.

So in short they disrespected one of ainz kids forcing him to kill it, and they also have a weapon that could threaten nazarick and cool stuff ainz wants, enough reasons to invade and destroy a country.

Nobody cares dude, everyone will explain to you some might just laugh at you but they will explain first, none is going to down vote you for just asking a question, only if you were to speak bad against our series is the only way to get down voted and insulted.

nightwing definitly, peter has negative rizz the fucker would put one in the same time the others have already like 10 girls... That one will be hot as fuck tho.

You are lying, you cant get out of malzahar ult with Q, you can with R if you somehow manage to time it right tho.

If they ask "why this character is hot to you" and then you get reasons why the character is hot. You literally got what you asked for and call us weird, you are weird.

Eres debil, los abusadores buscan personas que parescan que sean faciles de manipular en lo que quieran, talvez la forma en la que te expresas verbal y corporalmente le da la idea a la gente que eres una persona debil de la cual seria facil aprovecharse, es por eso que los atraes, apestas a presa.

Live in his jungle 24/7, what is he going to do, fight you? Pfffff, if his team is covering the little shit good enough then just go for the objectives and pray your team helps when amumu and his team come to contest.

Dracula from the tv show is canon fodder for nazarick, and that is the version shown here, so no, dracula would be slaughtered vert easy-

Bro you are either an idiot, a troll or autistic, your question have been answered and you are still asking the same thing lol.

Rekt sai top is definitely cheese, I got one a few weeks ago and I almost lose lane phase because I didn't know she had a fuck ton of damage early on, good thing I didn't die early by pure luck because her E does so much damage before you buy some health.

Dude.... milo is such a shit pick for a pulsfire skin.

I just think werewolf are cool.

First champ i mained since season 3, if there is a werewolf in a videogame, im maining it.

No idea who they are, but in a few works this streamer will continue his usual stuff, as if nothing happened.

As I said, there won't be real consequences at all, his life will continue the same after a few weeks.

Nah, in a few weeks everyone will forget about this and everything will come back at the status quo, no changes at all, its not like there are legal actions agaisnt him or anything like that, this is all just internet stuff, nothing will happen with him in his life and he will continue as nothing happened, a bunch of internet hate wont hurt him at all.

The promise sans made should not be that old a year at most and weeks at least, since any monster in sans generation doesnt know what a human looks like so it has been more than 50 years at least since the last human fell and the dialogue implies than sans and toriel have been friends for a relatively short time, my headcanon is that they have known each other for 2 years at most.

So it is save to assume Sans made the promise not so long ago before frisk fell in the underground, so again probably a few weeks back at least and a year back at most.