I quit because most online/multiplayers reward time investment and I don’t have the time to compete with the unemployed.

Acid + base reaction. People end up doing volatile chemistry with none of the precautions and the gas release can be lethal in seconds.

They don't duel with prisoners, my guy. Their training says they always wait for backup before engaging. Its usually 6/7/8 on 1. Plus a lot of guys don't want to hit a female if they can avoid it. And yeah like man said they’re desperate for people.

? Kmt. Who doesn't have access to these “luxuries”? Not to mention, you’re still buying these and at 5x to 20x the usual price.

You’re right though. Prison doesn't do anything to stop crime really.

Very interesting project. Thanks for citing it.

Looks like TFL don’t have the budget for more sites anymore but they are tendering it out.

Man’s not hot!

It’s a British “roadman” caricature doing a parody rap because it’s a stereotypical thing that they wear tracksuits and jackets in any weather.

The brain burns glucose only. If your body isn’t able to supply it directly then it has to convert fat into glucose which is a much slower and complicated process. That’s the ‘wall’ that people often describe. There is also mental fatigue which isn’t well studied but the brain is an organ and can be overloaded just like others.

Absolutely this. Fast metabolisms are a myth.

It’s ok. DEFRA tested the lake and said the water quality is just fine.

According to their press release it was exactly that.

We have so much to thank the Tories for: from crumbling schools, shit in the rivers and a collapsing NHS; to creating a nation with more food banks than McDonalds and 4.3 million UK children living in poverty,” he said.

I think about them (actually my 2nd love) but I don't regret so much anymore. I lost them and grew from it with great results!

This makes so much sense. I’ve always had a deja vu feeling about the second section of the intro too.

The intro music is the whole reason I even started watching Succession. Turned out a good choice.

I doubt this person exists. It’s just the same argument Reddit likes to bring out against the ethnic label except it doesn’t make sense. If she does somehow exist, clarify this to her:

If she’s from South Africa and also holds US citizenship then she’s a dual South African-American. And that’s her nationality.

African-Americans are an ethnic group in the US.

Nobody day to day should be calling you by your ethnicity really. It’s a holdover from the fucked up history that it’s highlighted so often.

I love how this comment is now material for this sub.

There was an attempt… to make a criticism of this post.

Whole thread is meaningless without pics

The british panel show circuit is one of the best things on tv. It’s like sitting around bantering with friends except they’re all witty as fuck.

Oral probiotics just aren’t effective when you have an established biome. I’ve read that fecal transplants have some success though but they’re not very palatable for most.