Tasty non-meat breeds

I've been reading about how sad and immobile and inbred broilers like Cornish Cross are, but we'd love to raise birds for meat. Our jersey giants were pretty darn tough. Are there any tasty breeds that are...healthy? Mobile? Not so scary over engineered?

Was just sandal hiking and got hit by some thorns and it was not fun. The cuts were swollen and angry for a day afterwards.

I think what you're seeing might be a response to what is much more common in the US: rip out and replace everything, even perfectly aesthetic, functional stuff, just for newness sake. We lose some really nice architecture and feed the consumerism beast just to flip trendy houses, and I think folks are starting to push back on that.

Rustic campsites at state forests are always really nice and remote if you're willing to forgo bathrooms/running water. The sites generally have fire pits and picnic tables and are a hundred feet or so from parking.

I always thought Cheesequake was a terrible name for a park. Terrible camping, too, fwiw.

No! I checked the news for weeks afterwards but nothing showed up and I never heard back from the park of course other than they were sending a crew out to check the site (not their job to keep me in the loop). I live out of state so my news was limited. Hope everything ended up ok 😬

Came across a washed out trail with muddy footprints to nowhere with abandoned gear at the nearest backpacking site. This was on an AT side trail in the smoky mountains. Didn't see anyone for a day and a half and barely slept. Called it in when we got out and got service.

Ugh I can't wait for the drop sleeve to disappear for a while. It is so unflattering.

Just here to say I'm having the same problem. I've adjusted everything I can, and it keeps swinging back from the top. If I position it on the bike where it's stable, it's way too far back and the seat is too low - basically between my calves, but if I position it farther up the top tube, the whole thing slips back, no matter how I tighten it. Every time I need to adjust I have to unscrew and re-tighten nearly every piece so carefully. How is there no ability to raise/lower the seat itself??? Ready to return after wasting 2 hours installing! So frustrating.

Omg thank you! This is so helpful and really inspiring!

Amazing, ty! That is so helpful! Yes we were hoping to use this greenhouse as a place to start seedlings in the spring and grow potted fall plants a little further into the fall, and also as a workspace and a little extra covered storage. Does that sound like an appropriate use case?

I was ogling your work - so beautiful! Have you built structures before? I'm so impressed and a bit daunted - not sure where to find plans to make sure we're doing things correctly re: drainage, venting and structural support for snow.

This is such a silly take and makes me think you've never known someone who had a child. Being shirtless is very different than breastfeeding. Also choosing to be shirtless for fun/comfort is very different than needing to take your boob out every one or two hours around the clock to keep a tiny human alive.

Many times a cover just doesn't work. Mom can't get a good latch with a cover or baby won't eat wearing a cover. If women who are EBF can't breastfeed in public, they can't be in public, which is a great way to ruin someone's mental health and make a challenging time even more challenging.

Obviously needs more power tools and trucks.

I kid I kid, these are both beautiful and will be perfect. I hate the over emphasis on gendered things for kids. My son picked out pink sandals with ice cream cones and rainbows all over them for summer and he's rocking the look.

What type of greenhouse to buildQuestion

Hey all - I am very new to greenhouses, but just moved to a rural area and am excited to extend our growing season with one. Because I'm brand new to all this, I'm having a tough time choosing a type of greenhouse to build - cold frame vs wood, plastic sheeting vs poly? So overwhelmed! Would love recommendations and advice. Some criteria:

  • We are in a cold-ish climate in NY with snowy winters but temps that rarely dip below zero F.
  • We want a big one! We have space for about 24'x30'
  • We have a pre-existing concrete pad we'd like to convert into a foundation if possible
  • Not sure of the longevity of various options, but happy to trade off if it gets us up and running within our budget
  • We have about 5k to spend
  • I'm assuming kits are more expensive, so happy to build our own, but we have no building experience, so the more beginner-friendly the better

Is this crazy? Can we do it? Thoughts? 😂❤️🌿

We moved out of the city 1.5 years ago and I am lonely. We left all our friends behind, I WFH full time now, and only seeing my husband and toddler for days at a time takes its toll.

I took a quilting class, met a couple of our neighbors, and it's getting better - I'm sure it will continue to get better - but I've had to be super intentional about making friends. I don't just "run into people" the way I did in the city. Seeing people requires a plan and a drive. It's been a big adjustment.

Hahahahah I love the Internet, this is amazing, ty!

I just don't think it's fair to call someone dumb for accidentally getting a roo in a batch of hens - that happens all the time and it's not her fault. Culling an unneeded roo is also a completely normal, unfortunate, but sometimes necessary part of chicken ownership.

Oh I always wondered why a scant 1/4

This looks so cool! Beautiful 😍