Unfortunately, being Canadian is terminal.

I can't see Jesse Eisenberg ever playing a Zuckerberg-like character.

And one of the players still being super suspicious of the obviously good guy, 'cause they don't see the railroading and are suspicious why the DM put them there.

That's the problem, Republicans are anti-America and want Americans dead; worldwide pandemic killing more than a million in the US alone? Fight tooth and nail against any measures to prevent deaths. Gun violence is ridiculously high and children are being shot and killed on a consistent basis? They're going to do everything they can to ensure that remains the norm. Dear Leader lost his reelection? Attack the Capitol and threaten violence on the nation's leaders. Dead Americans is the goal of the Republican party.

Never forget that the idea for Kaepernik to kneel came from Nate Boyer, a former Green Beret who wanted Kaepernik's protest to still show honor to fallen soldiers.

Just look at so many actors in the MCU; Tom Hiddleston auditioned for Thor, something more suitable for him was found. Chris Pratt auditioned for Captain America, Chadwick Boseman for Drax. It's just how the industry works.

I played a game recently where I had the perfect opportunity to Panama Canal/canal a very large continent; placed my cities down accordingly, and was very excited to make possibly my longest canal system ever. However, I was playing on my laptop, and for whatever reason, I have the hardest of times placing tacks when playing on it, and as a result will ignore them. And so, in an absent-minded state, I placed a commercial hub on a critical canal tile. Didn't realize until it was way too late.

Don't end up like me. Place tacks.

Yeah, the razor blades would really make that explosion dangerous.

So true start Earth?

In fact, he had a pass that game, to Roman Wilson, on the run and down the field for a large gain.

:michigan: Michigan

1-8 in conference play with a score differential of 0, 3-9 overall at +70.

"He was one of the most accurate QB's."

You're saying the data says he wasn't. This data shows he's one of the most accurate. You're giving the UM education a bad name.

How many people from Ohio does it take to spell "Ohio?"

It's weird that you're trying so hard to convince everyone you've never watched it before, you're anonymous on here.

He's answering the question that, no, he did not learn anything from Germany.

"Tan suit! Dijon mustard!"

"Locker room talk, witch hunt, totally normal behavior."

"Ice cream!"

I won’t vote for either right wing party because I’m a leftist.

I bet that'll make you feel just oh so smug if fascism fully takes hold in the US; "yeah, I could've voted for democracy to help prevent this, but I'm a leftist." Motherfucker, get out there and campaign for your local elections, help get socialists in power across the board, but get your head out of your fucking ass and vote for democracy.

You're right, don't vote for Biden, let Trump have an easier path to the presidency, that'll surely be a way to stand up to genocide and starvation.

Yes, because as little of an option as there currently exists, it's Biden or Trump. Now is not the time to be cute about who gets our support.