My husband: "Well, how much water have you drank? (Pauses) Not enough"

Every. Single. Time. I live with this man.

I was adopted (at birth) and people asking me what it's like not having a real mom. I have a real mom. I have met my birthmom, she's an amazing woman and I'm glad we have a relationship, but I have a real mom who raised me and loves me so stop insisting I don't.

I'm so sorry, that sounds both frustrating and awkward.

This is what happened at our friends house too, the dad walked away disappointed in front of everyone and left his wife surrounded by pink confetti. We wanted to know but I'm glad it was just with the US tech. I'd talk to him and suggest that if you two go for another, make it a surprise in private or at the arrival of LO!

Very soft ESH; I think it would feel awful to be left out of family events if all of the siblings are very close (if she only comes around for holidays then she can get over it) so I do think SHE should at least be invited, so you can invite her with stipulations. Fair enough to not have the kids there; this is why there are adults-only weddings. Our neighbors across the street can't come over with their kids because one of them sat in our baby swing and broke it. Crap is expensive.

She doesn't have to stay for hours, she can get a babysitter as a compromise and eventually a couple of them will be old enough to stay home with the other kids. There are sacrifices you make when having children.

My parents got invited to plenty of parties with their adult friends and they'd pay a family friend's kid to watch us for a few hours until we were old enough. Not that we were breaking other people's stuff.

The super long spoons from the drive-through, I'm constantly washing this plastic thing. I just sit next to her while she whacks everything with it like she's auditioning for a metal band.

Definitely pray on this; talk to your pastor/priest/Christian friends and of course a doctor. There are Christian therapists out there too. My doctor told me four years ago that having a baby would be "a disaster", could be life threatening; I have three serious health conditions and would be extremely high risk. I got pregnant about 1.5 years ago and it took a ton of prayer, and God lead me to have the baby. It was a rocky but ended up doable pregnancy; I was in for US and labs every week, but we have a healthy 10mo and I'm doing great. Pray on it; God will point you to what you can and can't handle.

I was out for dinner with my brother in law and his two kids, 7 and 4. They were both throwing a fit and he told me to give them my phone so they both had one to watch things on. Bring a coloring book, an activity book, a small toy, an actual book or maybe just talk to people. That's what my parents did and we do.

That was the first chapter book my mom read me at night too! You just couldn't wait for the next chapter.

If everyone had their own personal dial to the sun that only would effect them, the world would be a more amazing place!

I was working in a hospital before we had our daughter and I wore sunglasses so often at work. Didn't care if people stared, those lights are brutal.

I completely understand. It took a toll on my self esteem and I quickly felt like I could stop blaming myself in almost a mental battle. Please do what's right for you; reflect on things with yourself, talk to your doctor and your spouse/partner and I think you'll find what's best for you and your family. My baby was just as happy on formula, and I think part of it is because she felt my stress level go down too! Whether it's BF or formula, give yourself some grace :)

Sure! When I've been to the ER, they usually give me diphenhydramine (Benedryl) in the IV "migraine cocktail". My two neurologists recommended it in my "at home" cocktail as well, and it always helps so I've continued to use it the last few years. From what I understand, it can be used as a vascularconstrictor, particularly to the sinuses, which goes a long way. Other than that, it does aid in helping me become drowsy, which is a huge win.

My best friend also suffers from chronic migraines and it's in her toolbox as well.

I hope that kind of helps!

Edit: spelling

I have no doubt. There may be a lot of foster children in our country, which is terrible, but there are hundreds of couples looking for babies. My brother and I were both adopted, our birthmoms chose my parents through agencies while they were still pregnant. I love my parents and met my birthmom in my 20s, we have a great relationship. I'm so sorry that you're going through such an overwhelming time. Sending my love.

Personally, after struggling with BF, my stress level shot way down when we switched to formula. Everyone was sleeping through the night and it was a much happier house during the day without me feeling so defeated. It's pricier but we just made some lifestyle changes. Don't beat yourself up no matter what you do!

I had a high-risk pregnancy so I had a c-section; but I would have gotten one either way. Recovery wasn't bad by the time we got home and despite being someone who hates surgery, it wasn't traumatic at all. I say kudos to any mama no matter what they choose! Both have pros and cons; I commend everyone.

At the beginning: Tylenol, benedryl and Zofran (if really nauseous). If if it's been an hour and just can't handle it or haven't fallen asleep, then I get my sumatriptan. I feel like I'm always afraid I'm going to "waste" my triptans since we get so few every month. It's silly but I can be so frugal with them out of fear.

Always nausea for a 3+, vomiting sometimes for 5+. There have only been a few times I've had to go to the ER for fluids due to it. Migraines are the worst.

Yes! It's good for tracking the migraine strength, duration, where om your head it was located, side effects, what you think brought it on, how it affected your day (missed work/social activity/time with family/housework etc), where you were when it happened and what you took/did to try to abort it. That's what's on the Migraine Buddy app at least.

It's also good for insurance and reporting things to your doctor or people who won't leave you the f alone about you over exaggerating frequency.

Definitely. I may have solved the problem, but the migraine was the problem beforehand! How I love the migraine buddy app.

I have (diagnosed) insomnia so I can do decent on 6 hours, it's a good night if I can get that much sleep. I can survive on 4 hours with a coffee, but it's pretty awful. Right now I'm a stay at home mom and if I can get my 10mo to nap, then I'll crash too. Luckily she sleeps through the night!

I believe exercising in the evening can definitely help, but not right before bed. I read that you need 90 minutes in between ending your exercise and going to sleep, otherwise adrenaline and endorphins can keep you awake, but everyone is different. I think that's why so many people workout in the morning.

I'm so sorry, it can feel like a nightmare when you're dealing with insomnia. There are a few things I do when my medication won't kick in:

  1. I try a lot of these breathing and relaxation exercises in bed:

  2. If that doesn't work...Move to a different room to lay down and listen to the "Sleep With Me" podcast on youtube. Usually if I change locations it helps me get out of my head and will fall asleep.

  3. Last resort is reading a boring book in a dimly lit room, other than our bedroom. Sometimes it takes up to 45 minutes but it resets my thoughts enough where I can crawl back into bed or lay on the couch if I'm able to get even a tiny bit drowsy.

If all of that doesn't work, I just accept that it's a bad night and give myself permission to stay awake; it's not worth torturing yourself. If you stress so much, it's just going to make it worse and you need to give yourself some grace. Put on a show you've seen a million times, turn down the volume and close your eyes. It sucks but you'll be okay and you will make it through the next day. Hang in there!

***Important reminder: never look at the clock

I'm a SAHM now so we only see the kids in our library baby club three times a week. Parents would be terrible to take sick kids to our club so luckily that's not a problem, as far as I know.