Fill all temples with cheese wheels to repent. One for each person you killed.

My male sims after I force them to stand outside until they get abducted by aliens

How would a surveyor deal with this? Does your land shift with the physical land or do you own gps coordinates?

In high school I was walking in a crowded hallway and there was a pregnant girl walking towards me and I tried to move out of the way so she could get by but it was too crowded so she rotated her body and slammed me with her pregnant belly to move me out of the way.

My computer used to howl like a wolf when I turned it on. I miss that so much.

I just want his wife to be called to the stand and grilled about her fake accent.

You can find all the tomb building items with the buydebug cheat. I built half of a tomb in Dragon Valley and then gave up because they're kind of fiddly to make and I lost interest.

The dialogue was awful. I'm wondering if the original is better? Like a straight translation from dutch?

Sims 1 for PS2 I made my boyfriend Orlando Bloom and then I made another boyfriend for me Orlando Bloom and then they fought each other and after the fight one went to cook and burned himself alive.

So after that point I learned you could just kill the sims so I would fill the household with the maximum allowed sims, kill off all but one, then refill the household over and over again. I used to buy stoves and make them all cook, but I learned that the cheapest way was to put the 5$ plant in front of the fireplace. Caught fire almost immediately. I made lines of plants and boxed the sims in so they had to die.

Maybe not so funny to others, but it brought tiny child me immense joy.

When I went a few years ago, there was almost a fight at seven dwarves because of so many line jumpers. People started completely blocking the line so the jumpers couldn't get past them.

I did the behind the scenes tour and Bugs was scarier with the lights on honestly. Only house that's genuinely scared me.

Given the placement of her hand, he's pregnant.

Danny's not here right now Mrs. Torrence.