NTA I would go one better and tell your father and sister that you will no longer pick her up after school and she can no longer stay overnight at your house until she learns to behave and sees a therapist, even if she does see a therapist I still wouldnt let her attend the wedding as there is too big a chance she will have a meltdown and ruin everything

well my antivirus would find and Quarantine the virus -usually end of story

BUT if the virus has changed any of my setting, deleted any of my data or if I was worried that the virus has backed itself up somewhere on my hard drive I would wipe the hard drive, reinstall windows and reinstall the latest backup I have of all my data and then continue with my day

Partassipant [4]

NTA of course they understand, thats why those two familys insisted on all the adults cover the costs for the kids, and they only brought it up at the last minute to rush it through without everyone having proper time to discuss it, and making sure it was too late for anyone to back out of the holiday, they are hoping no-one will want to make a scene in case it make the vacation awkward - thats why all the other members of the family are pretending not to understand what you are telling them, you are not going mad you are being gasslighted (I think you call it)

Partassipant [4]

NTA how the hell can it be your fault, it was her responsibilty to send in the paperwork, its not your job to keep chasing her up and nagging her about it, but my nephews and nieces are the same as your daughter and dont bother sending important paperwork unless their parents nag them about it several times a day and even then they are really late sending it, I think its just a kids thing

Partassipant [4]

NTA sorry but in a situation like this there is no polite way to deal with your friend, just be brutally honest on why you want her out, remind her that this was never meant to be a perminent situatuation, give her a date for moving out so she can find somewhere else to stay, but it sounds like she wont even try to find anywhere else as your house is rent and utility free for her so why would she want to move, dont let her talk you into staying a few extra days but in the end you might have to dump her stuff in black bags and phyically chucking her out, but you have to put your baby and mother before this parasite and move on with your life without her, you will probably find your life less stressful and cheaper without her, be firm with her and good luck

Partassipant [4]

NTA no-one can control their movement in their sleep, he sounds like a very abusive man, my advice would be to get the hell out of there, if he gets away with hurting you this time then he will hurt you again - many times, in fact RUN

Partassipant [4]

NTA in my country (U.K) you could call enviromental Health dept over the dog shit, maybe even the PDSA (animal charity) as it seems the dog doesnt get any exercise and is forced into a small area full of shit you probably have simular places to report this in your country, I would have done the same with the kid and told him to be quiet as the adults are talking

Partassipant [4]

NTA if you are going to have a destination wedding then dont expect many people to turn up, why would you pay $4000 to watch someone else get married - hell I bet a lot of her own family wont bother showing up, my cousin had a destination wedding but when she came back home she held a "reception" for all the people who couldn't attend the destination

as for the dress - well thats just really weird, expecting you to wear her old wedding dress to her new wedding

Partassipant [4]

YTA the car park is not there for you to play in, its for parking cars in, also there are lots of houses next to the car park and you are running around shouting and screaming like an idiot and then you wonder why someone is compaining

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NTA you did try to "keep it in the family" but that got you nowhere, I would have told deb at the begining that she should give you the $2,000 and then SHE can go round the cousins and try to get them to pay her back a share of the cost

Partassipant [4]

NTA if she is stupid enough to put a PLASTIC board in a hot oven then she is not responsibile enough to be alone in a house without proper supervision

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so just how fake do you want to make this post op

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YTA yeah sorry but I think you are being the A$$hole here, just because your sister went to an in-state school shouldn't mean you get all of the money set aside for you and part of her money too, look like you have lose a sister because of your greed

Partassipant [4]

NTA seems like you got a lot of furniture and stuff you would have to buy anyway for the bargain price of $900, I would ask any of her freinds the come after you how much of the $900 bill they are willing to pay

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NTA so your wife is okay with hurting a pony just as long as you mum doesnt hurt daughters feeling

your mum "I am sorry your daughter is fat" that soulds like a good apology

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YTA "coming out anniversary " there is no such thing, it looks like you are just trying to find something to "blame" your mum for, get a new therapist because the one you have got isnt very good

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YTA as far as I am concerned you stole money from your husband, you might have just destroyed your husbands trust in you, you might have also ruined your marrage - well done

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NTA but money DOES grow on trees, its actually made from trees, wood pulp with a little plastic and ink added, but anyway without the adult entertainment there in not much point going, there would be just your friends and a lot of kids there, she knew how much it would cost but spent all her money on a new purse that she didnt really need anyway

Partassipant [4]

NTA "guess my mistake was responding to the text four days later accepting the apology, because we have not spoken since"

I would keep it this way, why would you let this woman treat you this way, seems friendship only goes one way for her and she drains people like a vampire, instead of being happy for you that you had a good time all she cares about is if you had enough energy for that then you should have used that energy worrying about her, she probabily didnt know you were going through issues yourself because she doesnt care how YOU are doing only about her self

Partassipant [4]

YTA they werent trying to intimadate you they were doing a thing called letting you take the wind, you take the lead and they follow in your jetstream, pro bikers do that in competitions, but I have never had anyone do that to me as I am too slow on a bike those days,

Partassipant [4]

YTA seems like you have feelings for him and you are jealous that he is happy with a new girl and want to ruin his relationship so maybe you can have him for yourself and you're acting like any other woman, not happy unless you are the centre of attention and causing drama

Partassipant [4]

NTA its not respectful for the girls parents to let her have a meltdown in the theatre and riun everyone elses enjoyment, as soon as she wouldnt quieten down during Maria they shold have taken her out at that point, its not the little girls fault its the selfish parents

Partassipant [4]

YTA I though you meant he should become a rent boy