Assume the worst cos of school holiday.

Give at least 3h from kranji mrt, bus, sg immigration, msia.

Coming back no problem that time.

Also get ipad, some schools even P1 can get subsidized ipad, Term3 onwards.

Carousell cheaper rental, cheaper cai png. Start 2 weeks first, then 1 month, then it becomes natural to eat cheaply.

Damn, TIL. Thank u for this

Get silica gel put in box as well.

Rent a girlfriend for CNY. ahma fell in love with her, sigh

Yesterday: $400, 3 people in a room, do t know aircon or not.

She will not grow up becoming that girl who throws away used contact behind the bed.

That guy who tried to steal a ring from a kid / small man on the way to mordor

He has his love for lebron

Do or do not, trying is seldom good enough.

You are... slowly improving. Change your mindset first.

Report CASE, said in a strong language how they charge you almost $30 or other amount.

CASE will surely... roll their eyes.