Omg when I lived in New Orleans I worked at a coffee shop and a customer gave us this design as stickers!!

I thought someone put a sweet potato into a heel

I’m almost jealous of how deluded and ignorant you are. Good luck in life, babe! 🫶

aw I’m so glad you find genocide something to laugh about. Really says a a lot about you. You’re so welcome!

I want to add - I did this set because I spend most of my time at work, and I’m not allowed to wear “political” merch, so this is me maliciously complying. I’m just trying to show my support to the people of Palestine who are just trying to survive in their own country. Protesting 38,000 murders doesn’t make me a “bigot Jew hater.”

Also ignore the big ass cut on my thumb, I sliced it juicing 😭

In the morning I cleanse with just water and use the ordinary hyaluronic acid, Inkey list ceramide moisturizer and sunscreen. Night I use peach & lily gentle gel cleanser, the ordinary HA, and Inkey list ceramide moisturizer.


I have my parent’s names, which is funny bc they hate each other

ISO Anastasia cotton candy lipgloss, shipping to NYC. Thanks

Recs for duo and multi chrome shadows

Dipping my toes into duo and multi chrome makeup so I’m looking for recommendations, preferably from indie brands based in the US but open to all.

CF products to help repair damaged skin barrier?Skincare

Absolutely wrecked my skin barrier and I need a rec for a moisturizer and possibly a sunscreen.

[Routine Help] Please help me repair my skin barrier.Routine Help

I recently came out of a months long depressive episode where I did not take care of myself. I started doing skincare again a little over a week ago and stupidly I’ve done too much in too short of a time. I bought all new products and started them at the same time, I dermaplaned my face and continued using actives, I did not reapply sunscreen as often as I should have. My face is tight, itchy, burning when I put product on, red. I have combination skin leaning more towards oily and use only cruelty free & vegan products. What should I do starting tomorrow morning and what products should I use?

Just remember y’all, animal liberation = human liberation = earth liberation

Lmao it’s pathetic. People are more concerned about a stupid lip balm than not using sentient beings as products. Also, glossier has ties to Israel so they can fuck off all around

How do y’all feel about business casual uniforms?

I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but I absolutely hate it. I don’t mind when a shop requires t-shirts with the company logo, but when a shop requires collared shirts & khaki/work pants it’s a deal breaker. It seems so stuffy and robotic.

Update, sigh.Side effect

I posted here only 5 days ago about how I am sure this medication will help me. 3 days ago, I started feeling emotional blunting and it’s continued with my anxiety coming back as well. It’s my 4th week on 150 XR, is this the medication still just leveling out? :-(

I take Seroquel too! It makes me a bit sluggish in the mornings but my current cocktail of meds is perfect I think. Maybe I’ll increase the Effexor in the future for more energy.