Some jobs it's mandatory. Some jobs it's silly. Some jobs it fluctuates by the year. Do we cater to that nuance? No. Everyone gets forty or you don't get life insurance, go die poor and wretched.

If someone breaks into your home and injures themselves on your property, are you responsible for their medical bills? This has happened and is generally considered bullshit because, when you are the victim of a crime, you should be absolved of that responsibility.

I was just telling my wife there are so many plant names but hardly any fruit names. Only Clementine and cherry. She said there is a celebrity who named their kid Apple. I was dumbstruck.

OP's claim is indisputable. Because of that, you are the one flexing definitions to be "correct". Chivalry is a social code with societal expectations that accompany it.

But is it heavy enough to justify opening their pringles can? I doubt security is really that invested in stopping this level of "theft".

It's bullshit. That's how you do it. Feed the players barely logical bullshit and move on.

We both know that, "We've already sent them, but they haven't come back" or "they have bigger fish to fry" isn't realistic. Where are these world ending repercussions? Why isn't the sky permanently black or why isn't a canyon forming overnight while they get up to their high level nonsense? It seems to imply the PCs are bad since they seem to have world influencing results while everyone else maintains the status quo.

It really comes down to fun. You are balancing realism with a theme park. You want the world to be moving, believable. Verisimilitude! Yet fun is at the forefront. It's not fun to have someone else go on adventures and solve all your problems. So you hand wave that sort of thing away.

Doesn't seem like it to me. People have entire companies given to them by daddy. Why should you not be able to give your children a house?

Maybe, maybe not. But a podcast, testimonial from the guy, and a tiktok compilation are not sources for veracity. If anything, having only those sources should make your more suspicious.

That's what he said, but not what he meant. What he said internally was

This is why I hate texting, because the person who is right has proof. However, I long to return to a world where I can be wrong, but since I'm more aggressive and obstinate I can bully people into a false reality where I'm correct.

I love getting my sources from podcast with zero accountability and credibility. Also it's straight from the person's mouth so you know it's true.

When a story is too good to be true and it is in the party in question's best interest to lie and spread that story, you need more credible sources than, "I told you so". This very video is propaganda and advertisement. So was the podcast. This is very doubtful.

If only there was some material that could withstand the durian. Something that, Idk, these people are currently using. If only...

If your game plan can literally get side stepped ending you up face first into the cage and taking shots, you need to cover up and recover. Menifield tried to turn and throw bombs. Insanely absent fight IQ.

I wouldn't put them in tier one Jury movies like 12 angry men or a Few good men, but I'm surprised to not see Fracture and Devil's Advocate.

Fracture has a great performance from Anthony Hopkins. It was a fun ride.

Devil's Advocate was really something special. Al Pacino was fantastic. Many iconic scenes.

Sambo | Carl-Ra-Tae

It's good advice for OP, but I would argue any professional boxer would have several answers to jabs.

I guess we start getting into different definitions of brawler, however. Because OP is using brawler for untrained, aggressive fighter. I'm using the boxing definition of high volume inside fighter.

Saying just jab a professional brawler is like telling someone being grappled to "just stand up". It's not good advice at higher levels.

Sambo | Carl-Ra-Tae

I still don't understand what you mean by all levels. I was thinking you meant all levels of skill. What are you saying exactly?

Sambo | Carl-Ra-Tae

I wouldn't say all levels. Brawling is actually pretty good at dealing with out fighting. A high level brawler can feint aggression the way a person can feint a punch. They can use that to wear down an outfighter's stamina by convincing them to commit to jabs that aren't landing. They also aren't head hunters, and will go high volume to the body, further whittling down their opponent's stamina.

Sambo | Carl-Ra-Tae

If they are high volume constantly attacking, you can match them and they will probably beat you with experience or you can play a different game.

Jabbing while backing up to keep them off you is one method. I'm not good at it so I can't give much advice here. I just know it's effective, but brawlers can beat them and might even have an edge. You'd have to ask an outfighter. Practice check hooks.

Counter punching is another, and my go to. This is all managing distance and footwork to put yourself in your most powerful spot and putting them in the least advantageous position possible. That's because, no matter how good you are defensively, you will be trading punches so you will have to make yours count for more. You need to simultaneously be gauging his reaction to your attacks. Does he have a habit of slipping low and dropping his hands after my right cross? Get him in the same spot and uppercut. It's all about pattern recognition, and punishing his mistakes.

What I suggest is practice being a brawler. It's easy for fighters to get intimidated by high volume punchers. When it's time to go in or retaliate they hesitate. Go a round doing the same thing. Feel how tired you get after a flurry. 5 punches, 8, or 10.  After a minute or two. Notice when you're flagging and try to pay attention when your guard drops. Then use that knowledge. Even physical freaks have a limit and become unable to properly fight back.

Try taking a picture next time. I think it comes out better in photos.

  1. Evelyn

  2. Mateo

  3. Refuse to choose

  4. Cassian

  5. Natasha

  6. Refuse

  7. Melanie

  8. Rafael

  9. Maeve

  10. Amir

  11. Seraphina

  12. Refuse

That's why it's plan b. Plan A is still getting right into sales, but OP said they were struggling to do that.

That part seems important. How can he ask for other opinions if he doesn't give us (or more importantly you) the whole picture? It inclines me to think he's hiding the reason, and I struggle to think of a good reason for this.