Discussion was :

Jazz: give us 2 FRP + herro + JJJ + duncan + Jovic

Heat: No


I still think we needed an injection with our offense which we haven’t done yet. I don’t like to count draft picks because we don’t know how they’ll translate in the NBA, or if they’ll be ready to contribute this season.

I don’t think we needed a star necessarily but someone who complements the starting lineup and provides much needed offense, whether that’s points, assists, or spacing

Haywood also undersized and gets dominated by bigger teams.

Love is still an effective rebounder which helps us when we play bigger teams

Got it. Thanks for the insight!

When they say “Motor” questions. Are they talking about his conditioning ? or his mental desire to want to play basketball? Or something else entirely?

By whom? Literally yesterday it said sides weren’t even close

How the fuck do they have embiid, Maxey and PG and still under the 1st apron.

Even though they only have 8 players signed, that’s crazy to me

Was just thinking that. Idk if we have the $$ for Tarasenko now unless he take a huge discount

But thrilled with the signing otherwise

I’d love to get Benny worked out long term. I think he’s the only missing piece on our top 2 lines that isn’t on a long term deal

No absolutely not, I hope we don’t trade away a boat load for him. And he isn’t my first choice, but if the contract made sense I wouldn’t hate.

Some peeps on here make it seem like he’s washed and useless which isn’t the case. He can provide some value

If y’all aren’t fans when we’re an 8 seed play-in, don’t come crawling back when we’re healthy and a 7th seed play-in

Running it back yo

You haven’t seen this movie before?

I mean it’s true in that herrro shouldn’t be the #1 scoring option. He won’t excel if that’s his role