It's one mistake but he's had lots of bad games this season. Have to wonder if age is finally catching up

Onimusha. Going back a few years but I think this was the game that introduced me to parrying. If I remember correctly, there was the standard parry (block then attack) and a critical strike that was just a well timed attack, that could be chained together. I'm sure it would flash the cut line on the screen which was very satisfying

What does Tino need to do to be a regular 1st choice, he was so good when he came on, exuded class

Not quite the location you're after but a good one for people watching would be Hatch. Brilliant coffee and great brunch food. It has it's own coffee to go place next door to it, if you wanna just try their coffee

This is the harsh reality of the amount of injuries we have

No radio audio 2 weeks later can justify that cunt of a decision

Injury crisis aside... It's mental to me that it has to be a choice between the two, both deserve to be there ahead of plenty who will actually end up there.

Sleeping Dogs is a gem, it's been hit by time a bit but has a great feel and satisfying gameplay. Solid voice acting as well

Look man were rattled with injuries, Eddie plays a system that allows for changes but 10+ injuries is near unheard of. Name our 1st 11 taking into account our injury roster and it's tough going

That's a deliberate yellow, misses Bournemouth. Could be worse

Not many that can come from a long spell on the bench and give that kind of CL performance. Credit where it's fuckin due

Even looking passed all the other issues with the Netflix show, it has somehow made I story I already know, completely incomprehensible. Surely a unique skill in show writing?!...

I'm surprised I can't see this elsewhere. I think OP needs to have a thought exercise with his wife, about how would she behave if a boy were to come along. This borderline obsession with having a boy would not result in a healthy household or parental relationship if a son were born at this stage

I get that done by a dancer it could look alright but for most people it looks like they're riding a bike up a cobbled street. Which honestly, would be sexier

Bare with me here... Unless there's something I've missed would Adam Armstrong not be a homegrown player? Any striker coming in knows they're a distant 3rd choice, so getting a youngster in who's got the potential to hit the next level feels like it'll be tough, until Wilson starts to fade. Surely the draw of Premier League and Champions League, back at his home club would be enough to convince him in to a "bench warming role. Crucially for us, he helps us meet the homegrown quota, he's only 26, even if he's not quite the quality we're after

Let's get 3 in the first half and give some youngun's a run out. No stress

Murphy is such a team player, the way he celebrates with Isak, he genuinely doesn't care that he scored the goal. With every game he's proving his worth to the squad. Love to see it

He doesn't seem like a well man, hope he's ok