Melon Pan.

Her head reminds me of Japanese melon bread.

Because of your post, I now know about Kalmyks! Thanks for sharing, very cool.

I am so jealous. Congrats!!!

I just took an ancestry test and discovered a sizable chunk of my African-American side originated from the Congo/general Central Africa area. I think I'm going to scar myself (again) and revisit King Leopold Ghost. It's been about a decade since I read it and my brain might have blocked out all of the horrific details.

Just an FYI, there is a sizable Arab-Colombian population and counterpart communities in Brazil and Venezuela. Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, and Palestinian. I wouldn't be surprised at any strong local sentiment for or against any Middle East-based political issue due to the size and influence of a diaspora.

Edit: oh I think I misread, incident in the US? I can definitely believe that, but my point above doesn't change much. Traveled through Brazil and Colombia recently myself.

Weirdos on the internet about to spend the next 24 hours digging through local laws so they can go "well ackkktttuuuaaallly-"

That's a giant lightly toasted marshmallow

From avg Joe to Joe Burrow, dang

Tbh I pick it up at random US-based airports that still have Body Shop. I travel quite a bit. I believe Baltimore was one!

Re-think this line of questioning. It's very stupid. Yes, plenty of interracial couples have a huge racism problem internally. This is actually a well-known issue.

Edit: downvoted for explaining a basic racism issue. This sub is filled with as much trash as the ones you hate.

I didn't know this sub leaned towards liking Matty. Weird to drag the goofy jock who didn't say racist shit on a daily basis and not the one who did.

Do they appear on Amazon UK? I bought a pair my first time to Israel, fell in love with the quality and ordered a second (and third...) pair from Amazon US.

You know what's funny? I've traveled all over the place and most airports outside the US have a lot of Nina Ricci perfumes in stores. Like, I literally only see them in airports.

Agreed. With that being said, there's one body cream in particular that I keep grabbing at airports and that's Satsuma. It's SO fresh and juicy and I can't find an exact dupe so far.

I'm glad I kept mindlessly scrolling because I never would've stumbled upon this chaotic anecdote otherwise omg

Hey! Gonna post my reply here to an earlier comment you left because I couldn't there:

It's all good, I truly appreciate the check-in. I'm smack dab in the middle of Tel Aviv right now with great friends and colleagues! I still empathize with the core concepts of feeling like the entire world is against you, and the resentment that comes with it. Pushing through it to the other side, where you decide that this stuff isn't transactional, is one of the most difficult internal conflicts one could have.

I just wish organized efforts to counter the hate and disinformation back Stateside were bigger and just as loud. Not sure if any sizable Black-Jewish alliance orgs (NAACP appears to have turned their back, which is FOUL af) still exist outside of a local level...we need to rebuild. Badly.

This is incredibly ironic, because you don't know anything about the community you're condemning, either. Remember this the next time you rant about your own humanity being denied. The hypocrisy stinks. Bye.

My statement of it being based on Redditors posting was your original comment about reacting to said Redditors commenting. For that to seemingly be your final straw is what I was reacting to.

It's equally invalidating and minimizing the humanity of my entire community for you to write us all off like this. I could pull out a million examples of interpersonal conflict started by American Jews against Black Americans on the basis of race. I grew up witnessing this and yet I've never once wavered in my own support. I understand Oct changed everything for you, but I'm hoping you come back around. Writing me and the others off is racist in itself. You didn't even take the time to reach out to any of us to truly investigate the way I did when I witnessed racism from American Jews. This shit is racist. Point blank period.

Gave nothing in return? I wish you knew what I did for a living and the PTSD I'm still recovering from having to comb through every violent video, in real time, in a professional capacity, for counterterrorism efforts. And I was not the only Black person on my team. The most incredible and persistent counterterrorism agent I've had the honor of working with for the past two years is a Black man that you will never meet and will be an unsung hero for taking down numerous violent jihadists before they could go through with their plans. And we worked with Jews to do this.

I'm not going to demand that you change your mind because again, I understand being pushed to the breaking point. Just know that I've had to exist like that my entire life, without any confidence in steady allies to even fall back on, and relied on critical thinking to turn away from the dark.

PS my own circle of friends is largely progressive, and that's why I've been cut off. Not because there's something inherent in their Blackness.

There is a spectrum of mac and cheese ranging from watery vomit to manna from heaven. At the risk of starting a turf war...the best mac and cheese is by someone who cooks soul food in the American south. Preferably an old Southern Black grandma, and by that I mean my grandma, specifically. The rest of you can't compete BYE runs off

You're seeing a vocal minority. Depending on the demographic of communities throughout the US, many will still skew pro-Israel. Black people still consistently poll as the biggest group outside of Jews themselves that acknowledge antisemitism is a huge problem (I'll have to dig it up later, I definitely saw that on my feed the other night). That sub also skews progressive which is the core (and loudest) antisemitic group right now.

Also can't even vouch for all of these people actually being Black. You have no idea how many times I've caught race cosplayers in Black spaces online, not just that sub. Actually, judging by how many times yall are catching As A Jews around here, you have a solid idea lol.