It's a bit of both I reckon. Me and my partner could go through each other's phone at any time, we know each other's passwords and everything. It would be weird to deliberately maintain secrecy. But at the same time, if she were to ask me to go through all my messages or do it without asking, i would be insulted by the lack of trust and invasion of privacy

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

I suppose it's a possibility, but if you weren't going to attend you probably wouldn't put your name in the ballot. In saying that, they still let members in to fill standing room when the seats full up, so I doubt someone standing is gonna see an empty seat and not take it

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

Moving an underperforming team is a ridiculous notion. What's happens when theoretically in 2 years, north arent bottom? Then do we move who's on the bottom then? The bottom team rotates all the time, seems stupid to pin the move on whoever happens to be at the bottom at that time.

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

Im nervous about this cos I'm scared it's cos they want to try the night game and no one wants it

Was gonna say I remember pissing myself laughing at this month's ago

All I can tell you is it was when I did it a few years ago. Also a sample size of 1 person having the same score is not enough to qualify online IQ tests as meaningful. The real IQ test is how much people trust online IQ tests

I've never been a smoker or bought vapes, but isn't everyone just buying them illegally anyway?

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

Tough call. Cos in terms of solely being a small forward, I'd say he's up there, but in terms of being a well rounded player, I'd say there's better players who can go forward when needed and play the role but are also more versatile.

So I'd say he's top 10 in terms of small forward ability, but not in the top 10 of players I'd want on my team who can play small forward if that makes sense. I've probably over thought it haha

I always laugh at the online ones, cos they're meaningless, but especially the Mensa one. Did it out of bordem once, and the standard deviation in results is so high that the score itself is meaningless. Scored something like 120 with an SD of 25. Meaning it's equally likely I could be 95 or 145. Really makes you realise how worthless online IQ tests are, and really IQ tests as a whole

I've come here genuinely concerned I've got some kind of colour blindness cos no one is acknowledging this

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

No bit the comment section on 7AFLs Facebook page is the true voice. And they hate BT and JB just as much.

Obvious /s

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

Eagles fans always impress me with how much they show up for their team

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

About a month late to it mate

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

Can someone explain to me where it came from

Honestly that's probably more the fault of the people throwing items in the rubbish, than the people salvaging copper from rubbish

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

And ours. Coincidently with each other this week

That's the worst argument for imperial cos it's pretty much just "im used to imperial cos I grew up with it"

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

Just shit talking haha. Though I gotta say as a neutral I thought the umpiring was pretty good, gotta admit I wasn't fully paying attention the whole time though

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

I know right. Neale Bullen was clearly trying to keep it in when he dived 8 meters over the boundary line

:hawthorn6: Hawthorn

Can someone tell Melbourne they're allowed to kick goals in final quarters