"When I said that Donald Trump got schlonged by Joe Biden, it meant got beaten badly "

I honestly don't know how she keeps up with inflation these days.

Not in the slightest bit no. You started a meaningless exchange and I simply applied your attempt at logic with some added flare to see what else you had in your pocket.

Nothing good at all. Just a worn out trope about boomers and long ago recycled statements about burgers and salads exhibits your lack of creativity, intelligence, and purpose.

Have fun doing nothing.

Shut the fuck up.

In fact, grow the fuck up you pathetic nothing of a human existence.

After that, shut the fuck up

You summed it up perfectly. You had even the slightest of an expectation from a product/service/industry guaranteed to never meet it.

Is there something else I can say that hasn't been said before?

Yup. It's a statement. Wife and I drove an hour to a favorite joint and they had this same thing, 4% surcharge for employee benefits. Overall the experience and food quality didn't meet our expectations and the surcharge was just a bitter icing on the cake. I'm already spending $200 for two, the owner doesn't need to declare I need to spend more so his staff can have basic benefits.

I won't make the drive again. The business can survive or fail and it won't matter to me in the least.

So many r/mildlyinfuriating posts about disappointing food purchased on the cheap from a grocery store or fast food joint as if the narrative of convenience foods just sucking ass in general hasn't been around since those conveniences were created...

"0MG the product doesn't match the picture!" said everyone for decades...

That orange is everyone that currently claims to "have Christian values" without being able to identify any besides the topics of heterosexual marriage and abortions.

Better than your mom walking in and catching you in a down stroke.

Not as great as when your stepmom does, though.

Too bad the target audience will never see it

OP is also the type of person incapable of turning the steering wheel until after they have completely backed out a parking spot.

Wolf in catfish's clothing? That's not a real butthole...

Uhh, that comment was a joke in case you don't know. But there are numerous instances where right wing media or social media uses images from other countries to drive a deceptive commentary about the US. So any perceived political commentary is relevant.

I like the visual of bringing a plate of nachos to the couple but before I set them down I grab the little doggy tail, lift and dunk, lift and dunk, lift and dunk right on the plate.

"A nice helping of refried beans to top everything off. Is there anything else I can get for you stupid fucks?"

Congress believes dinosaurs were real because there are cartoons depicting them coexisting with humans wearing blue jeans.

Why do people that buy the vehicle with all the shitty vinyl decals saying "power wagon", that then also take a picture of their dash with a shitty label "power wagon", feel it necessary to also tell us that they drive a power wagon?

Can none of their friends read?

Who has hips/shoulders narrow enough to even sit on that?

Maybe clean under or trim your finger nails before complaining about a peace gesture.

Management definitely 'litte' on this one