Esto. Mientras tenga su boleto de regreso y sea dentro de seis meses, no hay bronca.

In case people find this and think it is real, it is not. There only one walkable neighborhood in Tijuana: La Cacho. And it’s full of restaurants and services, parking is a nightmare and rents are not that cheap.

It’s Swiftian now and they practice Swiftianity.

“Rumor has it” and “I’m in the know” don’t go well together, I think.

Porque no estás pagando y solo te “ahorra 5 minutos a lo mucho”

A una pregunta pendeja se la dan respuestas pendejas. “Me preguntaba a si será mejor opción comprar casa en algún otro lugar de Tijuana?”

Respuesta: si, si sería mejor opción comprar casa en otro lugar en Tijuana.

Si no das detalles/criterios específicos, solo se te pueden dar sugerencias generales.

Damn. Was considering for some work at our place and now this will definitely make me reconsider. What was the outcome now that’s been almost three months since you posted?

Brightness Progression on Macbook ProMac

I have a MacBook Pro 16-inch, 2021, M1 Max. An issue I have noticed that has started to bug me is what I am calling brightness progression of the display.

Specifically, as you adjust the brightness, the first few notches the brightness increases significantly. Around the 8th brightness notch there is a considerable jump, but from there each next notch barely increases the brightness.

Is this expected/normal? I tried looking online but couldn't find the right keywords for the problem I am facing.


If your reading this recommendation, take caution. The thread is one year old and this comment is just a month old and is the most upvoted. I get a sense that it is coordinated advertising.

Curious, like what? I just got the offer from Vanguard. Fidelity's CMA is only giving 2.7% APY while Vanguard is giving me 4.7%

Clima en Valle de Guadalupe

Hola! En su experiencia, cómo está el clima en el Valle de Guadalupe en Enero y Semana Santa? Estoy considerando una visita por esas fechas pero me preocupa haga mucho frío y lluvia.


Thanks for the tip. How much water and powder do you use?

Por tu primer punto entonces toda Tijuana es segura 🙃

OK, pm me if you want more details about various collectors.

Why not just write it out here for everyone to read?

Anyone got the fan presale password?

Any idea if it’s still closed?

Did you ever figure this out?