You’re as handsome as you want to be. Take care of yourself and be a good and thoughtful person. That’s all the good looks you need.

Didn’t see the previous posts but two golds? Hell yeah, congrats, good work.

Have you checked the internal filter on the machine?

We once had a baby sock get sucked in there.

There’s usually a panel down low where there’s a mesh screen that filters the wash water before it goes down the drain.

You can usually find the maintenance documents if you have the model number of the washer.

Clear out anything in that filter and see if the problem persists.

I’m mostly intrigued by this orchid society.

But seriously you’re being there for his brother and more importantly taking care of his wife and doing the best you can.

So it’d be everything I want from my kids if I passed.

Condolences and keep up your good work.

202 headed into concord also has some seriously drunken lines and apparently people drove all over the wet paint. It’s a mess.

Yup was a very “functional” alcoholic. I got sober before my first. Relapsed a couple times and got sober again before the second. Stayed that way going on almost 5 years.

You’re a good partner for even putting in the effort.

Being present means just being there for him. Don’t ignore his potential suffering. Be available to talk.

You’re right to worry. Lonely people can get taken advantage of. But if you are just there for him when he needs someone or to talk that’s huge.

Anything else is icing on the cake. Make a meal on a day he’s down. Mark important dates like birthdays and holidays do a little something. But if you are just available on a down day for him he’s going to appreciate it.

Ah I see. Nothing I’ve experienced. May be some staffing issues or something. The owners are great. OP should complain on their contact page.

What’s hilarious is I was fishing for pike up here in northern New England. The lakes look real similar to Minnesota so I thought for sure I’d land one.

Nope. They are an invasive species here and only introduced in one area. So I was like “goddamn I’m catching all these perch and there’s plenty of minnows what am I doing wrong.” Finally looked it up. All the lakes and ponds I was in had no pike.

Yeah I just still have no idea how they offended OP? Like did you ever have a bad experience? Something unwarranted or anything like that?

The smile on pike is enough to think of the second in the Alien trilogy.

Just stay alive, just stay alive

I don’t know if The Mountain Goats count as folk punk but I have quoted them speaking at AA

Pike just hit anything. My favorite fish. It’s like playing on easy mode.

You should take a gander at The Daily Stoic.

No idea what they did or why. What was shitty that they did?

It’s a phenomenal venue for the artists. They bring in acts that tiny town New Hampshire would never get.

My cousin works in the music industry and he told me musicians love going there because they can almost have a fun vacation even while on a grueling tour at huge venues. I’ve been backstage and in the rooms out back for the bands and support staff. It was awesome. They even have a little playground for people touring that have kids.

It’s a super wholesome venue and I bet if you reached out and gave your specific complaint to the owners they’d correct whatever issue you had.

Start the newsletter and see who it helps. Even just putting words to paper (physical or digital) will help you. My fatherly advice is that wholesome projects are always a good thing.

I’d subscribe.

Father I came thinking this was a different sub. Then I saw which it was and your responses and was like “oh the actual pro got the answers already.” Thanks for doing what you do.

My friend. You are made in the image and likeness of God. He does not want you to destroy his beautiful creation.

Seek professional help please. 988 is the number in the US to call. There’s also a lot of options for remote assistance but if you’re able see someone in person that’s best.

Then go make an appointment with your priest and let him know you’re struggling and what your struggles are.

And of course pray. I’ll be praying for you.

This is definitely some kind of error. Unless you are keeping your place positively tropical and running the oven constantly that is incredibly high.

You need to get them on the horn and escalate the issue. They either had some error reading the meter or your apartment complex is piped in a way where you are getting charged for multiple units. Something weird like that.