Not really an unpopular opinion, at least from where I'm from. In Vietnam people always go to weddings with an envelop with money that would be either enough or more to cover their food and drinks. We don't do gifts at weddings because that would be a waste if everyone happens to buy the exact same thing, or if the couple already have that item. It's actually kinda dumb to bring presents to the event, especially when the wedding is held somewhere and then the couple and the family have to somehow transport all the gifts back home.


Maybe you can add some coloulful feathers on the hat or some shinny pins on the jacket. One thing you can do if you don't mind messing with the clothes is to weather them with either chalk, paint or dye. Making them look a bit "used" with some dirt patches here and there or some scratches around the elbow or cuff areas of the jacket is what cosplayers that I frequently watch normally do with the crafts and costumes.

I would rather take the overhyped compliment than taking the "Oh that's it? I can do better than you if I do it" from my parents 😅

I was thinking about the same thing. Would be nice to find patterns similar to those.

I call my mum's best friend and her husband my second parents because they have always been a part of my family from before I was born, so in my opinion there would be no limits on how many mums, dads, grandmas or grandpas you can have. Is just whether or not you consider a person your family member, so it's up to you to want your stepmum as your kids' another grandma or not.

Do you prefer bigger chunks of chocolate in your cookies/brownies/fudges or is it the texture of pieces chocolate in desserts in general that bugs you?

You don't have to get another certificate/degree or anything like that for higher education. You can read more, pick up new hobbies, go to workshops, etc. For me learning new things is higher education and also learning what you want to do when you don't need to work is important. Also it's not about the gender roles. Women don't have to work, men also don't have to work, but we do because we need to afford to live. If you have an opportunity to not have to make money and are still able to live comfortably, you do whatever you want ☺

It's not a request, it's a notice, especially when you already discussed about that before. Their job is to work around that and plan accordingly.

As it already has half a circle to start with, you can definitly try to do something on the other side to turn that straight line into the other half circle and alternate between colours. I will try to do it tonight to see if i can figure something out with ya. You got me excited for this smol challenge👌


I don't know how people would approach this but if it's me doing it, I would probably crochet a square first to see how many stitches per row and how many rows it would take to fit this bird inside (that way I know how many stitches there would be on each side of the square). And then I would draw out the pattern of this bird and try to figure out from there. I sketched out the square and the circle from the shape of the bird, I also shortened the tail to fit it in the centre of the round and square. Hopefully this could help you a bit. But yeah would be nice if you can share the pattern of the bird, I would try to see if I can figure something out from that too.

Definitely a show stealler 💜 so gorgeous!

One thing you can consider is getting one of the hand held bidet (i can't insert picture so here is an amazon link of a similar product), in Asia we call it butt shower. The water pressure can be adjusted and it's not a single small stream of water that squirts right up like an average bidet. Even if you don't use it to clean the bum, you can still use it to clean the toilet and around the bathroom floor. This is separated from the toilet seat so it might not freak her out as much.

People use reuesable toilet "paper" (made of cloth, so pretty much pretty printed butt rags) and period pads that they just throw into their washing machine to wash. I personally think that is a bit worse than washing your poopy rags at the sink, especially if you clean the sink with soap right after. But yeah try to talk to your wife to see how it goes. Has she used a bidet before? What part of a bidet that makes her think is gross? It would be just as gross as your toilet seat if you don't clean it, but as long as you clean often, i don't see what the problem is. My partner went to my parents' place and used the bidet for the first time in his life and said that he has never felt his bumhole squeeky clean like that after a poo before, and it even dried his butt! Hopefully your wife can let you know why so that you guys can agree on something here.

NTA. You know... I'm wondering what her response would be if you were to ask her what would she do if she has poo on her hands. If she thinks wiping her hands with toilet paper is cleaner than washing her hand with at least water, then I don't know... maybe she has some sort of fetish that I don't wanna know about... As for the ass rag hanging BEHIND the toilet that she said she has been using as a wash cloth, who in their right mind would grab a torn up rag BEHIND a toilet to clean/dry their face? The only thing i might add is if you wash your shit rag at the sink maybe you should clean the sink with soap and disinfectant every time you do so, if you haven't already. But that is the only slightly gross thing that I can think of. It's definitely no where near as gross as shitty butthole.

I think if you have a chain of smaller pearls at the bottom it would work better, big pearls on each of the clams do look like nipples a bit 😆

I think your doggo might be a cat 😂


It's very realistic and cat-like, your creation is fine 👌


Uhm they did say they are the only bartender in the store = not having help?! I get it, when you work in F&B industry, food should be clean and so should be the preparing station, and that means no contamination from drinking bottles. But what can they do about it then, they were given no breaks, no one to help covering them if they need to go have a drink. Say if they comply and don't drink at all because they can't leave the counter unattended, they then develop health issue, would you or the manager be resposible and step up to pay for that? No, they won't, and they will try to fire the worker anyway, because workers are disposable and are easily replaced within 48 hours as you said, right? Do you see the problem here? So when they are "bitching and moaning" and complaining, they are treated wrongly already. Address that, and suggest a way to fix it. We can't fix the system (or not yet), then we can at least, if possible, choose a better place to work at, unionise or join an existing union. There are ways to fight back, but fighting with your fellow workers about a rules and saying they are doing nothing but complaining isn't the way.

We are in r/antiwork man, nobody here wants to live to work. We have to work for a living, and sady for a lot of people that's working to barely afford to live. They have the right to complain as their working environment is toxic as fk. If they get fired at least they can get unemployment. Restaurant is liable for food safety and health and safety of their employees. This place clearly doesn't care much about their workers, then they shouldn't be in bussiness. Please also answer my question in the reply above. What should this person do to not get fired and to have their breaks and drinks then?

So this is your advice? I gave you the benefit of the doubt and tried to have a conversation in good faith. I explained my point of view and what i thought would be best in this situation. And this is what you have to say? I don't think you are looking out for this person at all then...

Well they already told her this is the final warning. I doubt they actually have the balls to fire the only person who does all the work there. I think our opinions on what "looking out" is are different. To me, looking out to this person would mean that they should stand up for themselves, demand that they have breaks to take drinks, plus having someone their to share their workload, or they should find somewhere else with better working environment to earn a living. Your way, to me, it reads as "this is the rule so suck it up otherwise you'll get fired". Correct me if i'm wrong and this isn't your intention, and please explain or give the advice that you think would benefit this person.

I know this is the rules, but this means that you have to have time to drink, aka breaks, and there shouldn't be only 1 person working for 13 hours straight. Also, mate, you can't just throw this image out here MULTIPLE times replying to different comments to shift the blame on the poor workers. The problem isn't them. The problem is the owner, the manager. If you don't want spilage or food contamination, ya better hire more and start treating your staffs like HUMAN BEINGS!

"This is your final warning" Well sir this you your ONLY bartender/takeout person left. You either let me drink my water or have fun running a bussiness without worker.

But yeah, hopefully you're in a position to quit on the spot and find something else. It's not worth your physical or mental health to stay in a place like this. Screw them!