Girl... if you are not in love with him then you should probably move on. In my experience he tried and I just wasn't interested. For me anyway once the love is gone it's gone for good. I wasted 12 years with a man I was not in love with because of the kids. I was disgusted by him and I did not want him touching me. 12 years I'll never get back. I do regret staying in that relationship. Have things been perfect since we split up? No. I've had ups and downs but NEVER have I regretted leaving. Don't even worry about another man. Focus on you and your son.

FC: <unknown> Trainer name: <unknown>

3054 5984 2185 anyone can add me. I need friends.

I worked at a place like this. It was uncomfortable for me to say the least, being that I have done full service serving, I felt uncomfortable asking. I just told the customer there are a few questions, one of those being the tip, on the screen. I never begged or told them they were required to tip. If they did tip it went into a pot and split then added to our paychecks. It wasn't much. After it got split maybe 10-15$ extra on our check. I say if you're ordering food and picking up to go you don't have a need to tip. If you are utilizing restaurant and eating in maybe leave a dollar or even just round up. At the place I worked, a popular chain, even though we didn't serve we did clean tables and keep everything stocked and handy, coffee fresh and hot, etc. So any tip eas appreciated but not required or demanded. That place wasn't for me. I only lasted a couple months. I had just needed something during covid. I'm much better at full on service and enjoy doing that.

Great tip! I didn't even think of making them my buddy to get candy. Thanks!!! I've been collecting Pokemon since 2016 but have yet to really develop any

You use that disabled thing a lot don't you. Is disabled your excuse for ignorance as well. I hope your food gets spat on . I'm sure it already has. Enjoy!!!!

Awesome thanks for the info!!

It's a lot of info but I'm slowly figuring stuff out

Wow I've got lots of Pokemon from 2016 that I haven't touched and eggs from then too of that makes a difference

Ok so that makes sense because I never have enough candy to evolve. Should I transfer dups to professor or keep them?

I was gonna say like a pig? No thx.

Could use some tipsQuestion

Hey y'all 👋. New to the group. Not new to Pokemon go. I have been catching Pokemon for 5 years with a break in the middle because they locked my account and IDK maybe thought I was cheating because I was on vacation. Not sure but anyhow I finally tried again to login and had it back. I have captured lots of Pokemon and powered them up I even evolved one lol. I have tried to battle with the occupant of a hot air balloon but lost. I also have buddied up with one of my pokemon. For the longest I thought that meant I needed a human buddy. And I don't really have any human buddies that play, unfortunately. Anyhow to get to the point I sought out this group in hopes of getting some rookie tips and some direction. I wonder should I pick a few pokemon to focus on and power them up and/or evolve when possible? And how do I go about picking I notice there all different types of Pokemon. Which type should I power up and use to battle?

Should I be catching all Pokemon even ones that I already have? Oh yea, I have transferred lots of dups to professor & I have also hatched a couple eggs. Any tips would be so greatly appreciated!

Whoever you are that deleted your comment I had a rebuttal dammit lol

He'll call you when he needs more money. Don't give it to him

This is Brad. Brad wears a hat. Brads hat forged his receding hairline. What Brad does is called hat fishing. Don't be bald Brad. Brad is an entitled douche bag and a 🤡