Played it last summer with my partner + brother with an emulator. Sure it has aged a bit, but we still had a blast! 😁

(My partner and I are actually working on a game inspired a lot by this and the BG: Dark Alliance games, that kinda shows how much we like these haha!)

Our game has WASD controls, if you don't mind some indie gaming ;) We have a demo on Steam now if you'd like to try - would love to hear how you like the controls, it's something we like to work a lot on to make sure it feels good in the final version!

Haha 🤣 yeah life with gaming is probably more fun either way 😉

Cool! Haha it's awesome how kids learn to figure out stuff they really like!

Ah too bad, but good to hear you got back into it 😄 I was kinda ashamed to play/like games too, I still played but kept it mostly to myself growing up (The Sims was definitely an exception, everyone I knew liked it haha). So was never part of any gaming conversation or culture, that made me miss some great games... but many of them are avaliable to play now so I can catch up on some of them 😜

One of the first games I had on PC were also educational, I definitely count those as gaming! ;)

I'm one of the devs on this project, sad to see that people downvote - is it because it's a Kickstarter or is it our game? Love to know if someone wants to share some insight, I've seen this sub as a news outlet kind of but maybe my mentality here is wrong ? :)

Very cool! I'm also doing a game in Unity (altough not any programming) 😁 Haha how dare they steal your idea!! 🤣

Haha it's crazy to think how fast gaming has progressed, but I imagine it's hard to beat those novel moments one felt experiencing all these new things 😄

Haha that's great! 👏 Did you end up doing a cowboy game later on or something completely else? 😉

That's cool! Understandable, hard to come by games then... 😅

Are you Polish? My grandma is actually living in Poland ! I think I had a small crush on a guy named Bartek, I guess that's why I choose that name 🤣

Nice, that's very young! Do you remember what games you played at that age? 😀

Yeah I made a mistake... I've never seen anyone else use a mitten to hold their bowl - that's what I thought was fun/interesting solution not the porriage itself heh. But yeah I realize that it's probably not that strange, quite logical if you want to stand up I guess. Sorry for the bad post