Sounds about right. Clearly it was the 90s... Zero tolerance policies were everywhere.

Want to have a laugh? They tried to make me shake hands with the POS who got me in the back of the head. Ofcourse I refused. A handshake means something...I knew that then. They threatened me with starting a riot b/c others were screaming fight.

Joke was through highschool I wore a black leather trenchcoat. Shit got real quiet after Columbine... And no, I never stopped wearing it. Next day after, I still wore it. It's still in great condition... I got referred to as Columbine by some though. They just got the wink and the gun. Vice principal gave me a hard look..I have one back

Dude, thank you.. you either had a kid punished unjustly or went through it. Idiotic. I stood up to someone else's bully and got punched in the back of my head, then suspended for being punched. Great lesson. If your going to get suspended anyway, hit them with a pipe, your a minor.

Entirely agree. And it's not as if the teacher made this handout... Clearly an effort on behalf of someone

Lawyer goof

Landlord here. Looking to rattle my lawyers cage a bit.

Lawyer failed to file transcript of a fair housing commission hearing. I got it in last minute, literally right before midnight. Counsel was extremely apologetic so I let it go but now has fallen down on several other elements. Happened a second time, I had to text him to use another browser to submit transcript after he sent it a email to the commission complaining he couldn't get transcript to upload. (Have to use edge browser) Again, last min bullshit.

He outright told me we are at a disadvantage because of opposing counsel has more time then him, we are 75% into the hearing. I understand what he does is volume work but WTF.

Also, failing to explain a fair housing order in full, then me repeatedly emailing him about why I'm not getting full rent.

Basically, unreliable and negligent behavior. I was with his partner before and this is the first time he is handling anything for me. Likely the last.

Please help me out. Got a call with him coming up

Ok, making an accusation doesn't help anyone I have no problem tipping, the system I have is simply designed to recognize those who warrant a tip and your who do not. Suggest something else if you didn't like my system and not be a prick about it would.

I put Forward a system that I think makes sense, staff start at 20% and move down according to the merits of performance. Go up if warranted. Admittedly, this doesn't work in family own small spots, server is half the time family or the kitchen staff. I can't rightly say the system is designed around that.

I'm willing to change systems if your system rewards those who really are good at what they do. Which I have had many. I've actually worked as a front of house. I'm not great at that job, I figure people who are should get a tip.

I sit down, you start at 20% each stupid things you do, I reduce a percent or 2. (Ie I know wait staff is tired but if I'm in a date, don't sit next to me a booth to take my order. Its far too intimate.)

I think that's fair. Charge me 3% fee... What do you think I'm going to do? Start at 17%.

Occasionally, I have been to a restaurant where server catch their own mistakes, comps something in my meal or are generally outlandishly exceptional. I then, on a whim, will up the %. But general you start at 20% and move down.

Lots of people have ring cameras and things like that. They won't intimidate you. They go to ring. There have been many cases where this has come up with devices similar to ring as well. I agree. Local storage. The way to go. However, this will not work in all use cases.

Also, PA is 2 party consent and in some circumstances you can't record public officials. The court ride won't be worth it


City will not subpoena cops generally. Makes no sense. If the footage exists, why do it? Use the footage. Issue is, very few act 22 cases are won and I have no upside on this. I'll win nothing. Cop will not see even a slap on the wrist. Spoke to lawyer. What I can do piss judges off at the conduct of the cops and drag this into the light. They are denying allot of footage... Claiming it's due to investigations. What investigation? It's a civil matter between two parties... Police report states this I'm sure there are allot of traffic stops they are not giving up

I want to avoid providing details about my relationship to the other party for legal reasons. I can confirm that I always follow all laws and regulations regarding giving notice in all situations. I have a habit to document myself doing so and always show or tell officials about documentation. My apologies if that's cagey.

Also their are plenty of people that like to paint with broad brushes on Reddit.

Point is, nothing criminal was involved here. A repair was being made that was scheduled well ahead of time. Cops should provide footage. Transparency is best. However, here in Philly apparently they refuse even simple things like traffic stops and force you to fight them in court. Most people are not willing to lose the money and time.

This is bullshit.

I have spoken to 2 attorneys who has handled a fair bit of these cases in PA. Both clearly hates the lack of transparency between the public and police, both would take my case... Their pov is that if enough judges see how the police are applying the law to the public and with public attention the right people will be embarrassed and judges will just be irritated by these antics.

I may create a GoFundMe to pay these lawyers and fees (didn't know what that would be)

My understanding is this will serve me no benefit personally as by the time I have the footage, I won't need it. This makes it difficult to commit myself. As you can imagine, I'm already being taken on a ride

Still, the public is, frankly, being screwed here. It doesn't matter the details of my case. Cops got themselves involved in a civil matter, complicated it and now won't give footage. This will happen to others in far worse circumstances.

Because it's a process. First you file the complaint, I did that myself. Then get reply, then appeal. But to my experience there worse and better ways to go about things. I can tell you how with respect to L&I, but not police matters. Maybe if we help one another and not be snarky Philly would be better off. Also, as I learned from others smarter then myself, Act 22 request denials are almost never fought as their is no money in it. Yet the city denies nearly all of the requests.

Think about it. It's understandable if it's footage regarding a criminal investigation and your actively doing after criminals but something like a traffic stop or a disagreement between 2 parties that n was civil. Give it up. Thats BS

Transparency should help the police and the citizens.

Don't worry, my opinion isn't much more popular. I agree with you entirely. I have cameras. Trust but verify

They are not. Most just know Jack shit about the law. This is coming from the person whose rights were violated. It's more like most cops are self serving morons in a bureaucracy. Which is most of us

Thanks, that's likely where this is going

Problem is, now police can very easily access your camera footage. Particularly if it's in a cloud. Also, cameras don't capture everything. We have wiretapping laws in PA, all parties need to agree to be recorded depending on circumstances.

Please check your PMs Thank you for taking the time.

What do you want to hear?


Not domestic. Never considered someone could read that into this but wouldn't that be criminal? I said it's not.

This will end up in court so I am hesitant to confirm anything beyond the fact that it's not a domestic.

Is that the case with body cam footage too or the inverse? Cops threw me out of my own property while I was complying with L&I order due to Karen.

Ok so new subreddit... We come up with lyrics and feed it into AI it creates songs. Come on people...hop to it

And not forget about the penises, echidnes got 4. Sigma male and female.

The prospect of rabies this isn't an issue though...