I would just add that it’s as respected as related fields, like Economics, Science, Social Studies, or even Recess.

What?! No?! But I think I have the DVD…

Sometimes, sadly, you gotta leave those things where they are.

I used to watch this over and over as a teenager

Of course. Always happy to talk shop / compare notes. Good luck. Let me know if you find an answer re: Schwab. I hate that we had no choice in the transition… and there are too few platforms to choose from at this point.

If you ever want to see how it does work from an advisor’s point of view, DM me and we can set up a call.

It is never as smooth or robust as they make it seem. I hate that about these tech firms, because there’s no realistic way to demo something to the extent you can really learn what it will be like day to day moving forward. Add to that their sales and service seldom have first hand advisor experience and don’t often appreciate the challenges we face, the real world solutions we’re looking for, etc. At least that’s been my experience.

Ok. I’m closer to 20 a year and don’t get the research that you get. But otherwise very robust.

Yes that’s correct. What’s the price point?

Perhaps not the solution you’re interested in, but I have been using Orion’s ASTRO tool to bring direct indexing internal and prevent that extra layer of fees. I also custody at Schwab (from TD, don’t get me started) and manage ~$100M.

Interesting you’d say uglier map. My gut is I’d like to see greater % increases in rural areas and smaller markets as it’d indicate a broadening out of economic gains. But maybe to your point, that’d represent a smaller percentage of the overall population.

Nice work. Curious if you tried to run the same map with % growth rather than $ growth?

Imagine yourselves as members of another current popular band. And you have to perform a cover song of a third popular band / artist. Which band would you be and what song would you cover as said band?

As an advisor / owner, I’d entertain any conversation with someone young and hungry to learn. You may have to put in the time, but simply contacting and explaining your situation and asking for an hour of their time to talk and learn about their business will go a very long way. I’m sure through that process you will find some opportunities. It’s a very fun and exciting journey. Part of me wishes I were in your shoes because your next years of growth are so so fulfilling.

I started mine with that. Didn’t have a strong prospecting plan.

Start your own RIA! You’ll never look back..