This isn’t a forum for developers. This is a forum about skyscrapers where we discuss buildings and design. Do you have anything to contribute to the discussion?

Send all babies to the churches. They don’t pay taxes but influence politicians they can deal

Why wouldn’t he?! It’s free and all expenses paid for by special interests!

There are a ton more gay bars and queer community outside of the Castro. The Castro is full of gutter twinks anyways, race aside, not the best experience for dating imo. lol

Just more variety to break up the monotony whether it’s in materials, colors, styles. Humans are drawn to visual complexities. If you were listening to a song with the same chord progression repeated you would get bored pretty quick.

Yeah that’s what my comment said. In my opinion they’re the cityscape is beginning to look bland because they all blend in together. You realize this is a subreddit where we talk about skyscrapers and architecture right?

Wait til you hear about the other guy

I mean there are many other reasons why you shouldn’t vote for me for president. But that’s not one of them.

Toronto’s buildings are becoming sooo homogenous. It’s almost becoming boring - I wish there were more exciting and variety in these new buildings. The entire (massive) city scape is becoming meh

Wait so is- “it’s not me, it’s you” wrong then??

I don’t even schedule events past 8 pm

There’s a bit of a social contract when you enter parties and spaces like this with music and drugs. Hence it being “not cool” to film someone tripping. Certainly the person filming is within their rights but we can still balk at that behavior. Square!

I’m fine with ‘Sleepy Joe’— personally I am all for a president who is pro-naps. The ‘Phony Kamala’ is just pathetic and not even clever.

Trump doesn’t care about Ukraine and has said Putin can do what he wants.

AIPAC owns both parties in the US. Tall are standing up for Gaza now?

GOP blocked the bipartisan border reform.

Prices are affected by many factors. Global inflation was high, US inflation has come down to lowest in the world. Corporate greed is at an all time high and receives tax breaks and deregulation from Trump Administrations tax code until 2027.

Dude there isnt a single policy from the GOP that addresses any of the above you listed.

The only policy from the right is enacting Project 2025 - I’ll ask again, how do you feel about that and are you familiar with it?

“Things” compelling comment. Do you support Project 2025 then?

What? I didn’t say that. Saying things were better off before Biden while ignoring the state of the world and global economy due to the pandemic should be ignored. What a silly comparison to make with no context.

This was their studio in an old armory building smack dab in the middle of San Francisco. It’s a landmark!