Sol. Everything was done to break him /s

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I saw it more of calming the psycho mind to get him calm to tell him what happens on the prison ship.

She also wants to find out the truth of what happened on brendok and to her sister

Some stats on his channel



Her sister rejected her . Did you miss that whole interaction?

Plus she probably felt Qimir wasn't a threat to osha or he would have killed her instead of force pushing her away when he first arrived.

And how much damage is done before the next presidential election or even a mid term election. 2 years is a long time under a power mad dictator

Drones move faster than a congressional impeachment. Can't be impeached if nobody there to vote for impeachment

Oh some still complain it was boring and never finished it

Not enough pew pew and laser swords for folks.

I think for the Acolyte once the mystery plays out and folks understand the red herrings, misdirection what didn't make sense and what truly happened I think this can find an audience. Assuming the neck beard review bombs are ignored

Not like anyone in that room mentioned sith with Ki Adi Mundi was in the room

She needed off the planet to avoid getting killed plus she still wanted revenge on Sol for brendok

You do realize the truth about brendok is like the macguffin of the series. It is the core of why most people are doing what they are doing.

Why mae seeks revenge.

Why osha failed out of the Jedi academy

Why sol feels guilty, why torbin took vow of silence and why kelnacca hid in the woods.

Once the truth is out how will Mae react? will osha fall to Qimir seduction. Will this be the scandal that vanestra is worried about that puts the Jedi on the downward spiral to become subservient to the Senate like they are by the time of the prequels?

They are whining they will never get the truth about brendok. When it actuality it will be revealed next episode.

He says in EP 4 when we get back I will tell you what happened, then stranger shows up and thing go sideways.

EP 5 stranger taken away by moths and says he will tell her and ends up getting stunned by Mae.

EP 6 post battle chaos and trying to compose himself and deal with twin swap .

EP7 explanation is coming since same director. Probably Sol and Qimir version of the events.

It is a mystery show let it play out you don't have Angela landsbury solve the murder in first 20 min of the episode.

So all of that video shows probably in the span of 12 hours from start to finish and a bunch of crap went down. Slaughter, twin switch, etc.

He said after they get in touch with kelnacca he would tell her. Things go sideways and there really isn't opportunity until they are back on the ship once he composes himself

And those shows pad their runtime with bloat, side stories and other filler

Guy just had his whole squad slaughtered, he is dealing with that first . Needs to compose himself deal with Mae's ruse and then come clean with the 16 years of guilt and manipulation he out osha through remember day/night/corrupt is like maybe 12 hrs of in world time give him time to process he is a wreck in this episode.

For over 50 years we had weekly shows and nobody lost their mind now between Netflix binges and Tik Tok short attention spans folks have no patience to let a show breath and give an audience time to think about it. Just give me all the answers now like a petulant child

Then maybe take a break from dplus save up a few months and then resubscribe go ad free to binge what you missed .

Do folks even use search before posting the same too short gripe post?