That seems like the type of person that lists "Reddit moderator" first on their resume....

They want to beat Apple to market and Samsung's Z series launch moved up a month, so it's the perfect time to jump up to August.

You'd need two separate balances then, which would be a nightmare I think.

"After the presidential debate, Joe Biden helped off stage by his wife while Trump walks off stage"....there fixed it for you

The fact that Rory doesn't have an ex wife should tell you that this is 100% bs.....

Let's say, for arguments sake, that EVERYTHING trump said was a lie in the debate: Biden had the first words of the night and messed up before trump even spoke....

14 people in CALIFORNIA are voting for Biden? This is not news. Please stop treating it as such.

He's right: it's not as bad as we make it's worse. Far, far worse.

People who say "trump was arguably a lot worse than Biden" last night just shouldn't be allowed to vote as they've clearly lost grip with reality.

I say it's a troll post....then I look at the ridiculous mental gymnastics in the comments, and obviously there are actually people who believe this to be true. Id respect these lunatics more if they just said: "yeah we just don't want trump" instead of trying to pretend that Biden is a competent human adult.

The people who are agreeing that Joe is super sharp and with it are the same people who don't realize this post is complete satire.....

I think a lot of people are overselling Giddys fit with Chicago. Giddy played his best ball as a true 1 and struggled to play off ball. Hes an elite passer with great court vision when he's able to see over the defense at the top of the key, but those strengths were severely hindered when he played with ball dominant guards. He's going to have to play off ball in Chicago to. He's not a great shooter, not overly athletic, and not great defensively. One of those things are going to have to change for him to make a legitimate difference for the Bulls. I hope for his sake he can, but this isn't an ideal fit from a basketball perspective for giddy.

Best of luck Giddy! He went through a LOT this year, so hopefully a fresh start will start his comeback tour.

Pickleball is evolving past its recreational roots and needs a competitive circuit. You can still play recreationally to your heart's content, but the new crop of competitive focused players need more--like any sport.

I was just at the stadium last week and the prices were still up and were definitely double digits for a beer....I want to say in the $14-16 range

What was wrong about it? You didn't answer the single question that OP had: what heroes can you recommend. You decided to try and be edgy for no reason.

The Bills were a bad team during the Brady years. Can't call him our daddy when the entire NFL was beating us just as consistently.

Buddy and Ricochet about to do the old switcheroo.

This roster is getting healthy just in time to make All In incredible and I can't wait.

Keep in mind: this tweet was from 2022. It is now 2024 and exactly none of those things happened.

Just got mine yesterday. I was hesitant for awhile after bad experiences with Switch game streaming, but I love the portal! As someone who prefers PC for fps and handheld gaming for everything else, my PS5 has sat collecting dust for the better part of 2 years now. With the portal, I feel like I'm actually going to be able to play all those PlayStation exclusives I hear so much about. It works much better than expected!

OTAs are a glorified game of catch. All OTA reports should be taken with a gigantic grain of salt