If your drink ANYTHING it’s worth it - soda, bottle waters, coffee, or alcohol,

ATVing in Ensenada is fun.

Also…hit the steakhouse. It’s delicious. And on the first night you can get a bottle of wine for free.

Mandisa was from here. Lester Holt. Clare Crawley (Bachelor/Bachelorette fame).

Totally second Sierra Aire! They were just out for a failed capacitor for me a few weeks ago. Highly recommend.

I lived in the Rush River Apartments across the street from that shopping center in 2011. I loved it over there. Idk if it has changed, but seeing others say it’s pretty safe is good. I loved the whole area. The only downside is if you want to go to a Target or Walmart, etc, you have to go to Delta Shores (which wasn’t there when I lived there) or South Sac/EG. But have Delta Shores now makes a lot more things accessible.

Been here my whole life, still not used to it…

Just went for the first time a few weeks ago. It’s delicious. The mushroom and Gruyère was soooo good.

A&I at DHCS? Leave immediately 😂

I’ve heard the Conservatory area is awesome. It’s a covered spot at the front of the ship, deck 17 or 18 I believe.

6th different classification, 4th different department, almost 7 years 🤷🏻‍♀️

I don’t think cuts are going to be implemented right away. From what I am hearing, departments are still finding out about the vacancy sweeps and cuts. And I would assume most likely if there is a conditional offer on the table, it wouldn’t be swept. But keep applying for other jobs until you land one for sure.

The Patter you receive each night has a list of activities and hours of operation for each restaurant, shop, etc.

Enchanted is beautiful. Was just on her in April. We have the same Canada/NE cruises booked on the Enchanted next year.

They don’t. Carnival is super casual. They say no shorts and flip flops on casual nights and that was the norm during both of the Carnival cruises I’ve been on.

You couldn’t pay me enough to ever be on the deck below the Lido deck. The moving of the deck chairs twice a day would be enough to drive me insane.

Sounds like you should stick to cruising with Carnival and RC. Everyone has their preferences.

You’ll need to wait until you have some time banked (most likely 40 hours). I would broach the subject with your manager to get the thought and interest out there and see what they say.

Having no responsibilities and not having to clean the kitchen after every meal!

The cruise with the worst seas for me is anything up the CA coast. Both times I’ve done that (and during different parts of the year) the seas were rough.

Fiber lines were cut. Hardly similar to all those Xfinity outages I used to have…