Just get a club, a heart and a diamond arranged in spokes to complete the set and tell people you're a "gamblin' man", unless any of these things have other hidden meanings that only a few people know and/or care about.

IGP (YouTube channel) just did a video on the demo. You could check that out but it might also spoil some of the game for you, so perhaps refrain from watching if you actually intend to play the game.

I tried 2-handed bowling out of frustration with my poor performance bowling traditional. It helped my wrists and actually felt better. After that I found out it's a legitimate style of bowling. I think a lot of people probably have tried it for "fun" without knowing it was popular and weren't trying to copy anyone.

Anyone who makes a stink over it is the kind of person who likes to complian about things in life, in general, so don't worry.

I could see a coach not teaching if, if they're not comfortable using the style themselves. That would make sense.

Give it a shot and see how you feel. Like a legitimate shot. Not one frame and "oh, that feels weird" and back to normal type thing. Maybe watch a video first but when I tried it initially, it came fairly intuitively. Footwork is more or less the same and the general approach is too.

Forget all this other stuff; get an Arctic Vibe and get it drilled properly for your bowling style just for YOUR benefit. Your daughter and everyone else will be fine either way but a new bowling ball is a new bowling ball.

Of course, only do this if it makes sense in your budget. I roll with used balls because that made sense to my budget so no worries if a new ball isn't in your plan right now.

What am I doing wrong? This was posted 12 hours ago but when I follow the link it's 190, not 110. I don't see the price change when it's in my cart either.

It weird you mention that; the Korean alliance on our server (they're #1) seems to have no chill. It's outside the realm of my experience. Cultural difference I guess? Not inherently better or worse, but when you called it out like that, I realize that I've felt the same thing.

Is there a calendar of when UR heroes make it to the tavern?

Basically title: We have Murphy and Marshall in the tavern. The doom tower thing doesn't indicate when/if other UR champs will come to the tavern but people say they will. Is this listed anywhere or does anyone have any perspective on this?

Thanks for any info.

JF-17 Thunder is a good all rounder that not a lot of people fly. The gun is angled down for ground attack, so not good for gunfighting but decent missiles and a lot of fun air to ground or air to sea attack options. Also good long range air to air missiles.

Read some about it or watch some YT videos.

It looks to me like the ball is spinning like a top, as opposed to a wheel. Try to make sure that you're rotating your release hand closer to 90 degrees and letting the ball come off that way so that the rotation is inward and not so much spinning.

You can go back to your comment history to easily find threads you are interested in. Just look at your comments "following" or whatever you like and you're right back in that thread that may otherwise be almost impossible to find a week or two later.

Edit: maybe play through blind once, then read tbus for your second playthrough. No spoilers here at all, but some fun of the game is that you dont always have the perfect solution and my advice below mighy hamper your creativity first time.

What follows is a note i made a while ago about building a rounded team. Its not the most optimized but it will cover all of your bases and make a fun playthrough. I played pretty blind the first time through and then on second playthrough i used this team setup. So do as you will and maybe give this a go on your second play or read it and apply the basics (skill distribution in particular) on playthrough one.

The TL;DR is double up on small arms because pistols are common enough and ammo is plentiful enough to make it work fine. If you care for a complete and balanced team setup, read the below.

You don't need to make a new game and start with the punk lovers (like I recommended) but I'd definitely consider getting all the skills I've listed attached in the same groups I listed them. It's not really necessary but it's efficient.

Personal advice from my just completed second playthrough (finished the day before yesterday).

Choose the punk lovers as starter characters. Once you get to HQ swap them out for custom rangers. Use 4 custom rangers, Kwon and Lucia and you're good.

You only start with the punk lovers because you want their amazing accessories (+10% crit chance and other is +10% strike rate).

Kwon: Assault Rifles, Toaster Repair, Animal Whisperer

Lucia: Small Arms, Hard Ass, Nerd Stuff

Custom 1: SMG's, Explosives, Kiss Ass

Custom 2: Sniper Rifles, Weird Science, Mechanics, Sneaky Shit

Custom 3: Small arms, Leadership, First Aid,

Custom 4: Melee, Lockpick, Survival

Plan is to ultimately get Kwon the "Master Blaster" or "Lancer" AR, get rifle modded for fire damage (Lancer is already fire) and get the level 9 toaster repair perk for added fire damage.

Lucia I had using pistols most of the game until near the end when I swapped her to shotgun for the last little bit.

Get your custom 1 character (SMG user) the PDW-01 SMG and add explosive damage to it. They need the level 6 or something explosive perk for added explosive damage. They should also have the quirk that gives them extra fire/explosive damage at the cost of catching on fire. They should have the background that gives bonus crit chance (goat killer maybe?). They should wear the necklace from the punk lovers that gives +10% crit rate. Build for high crit (means stack int).

Consider giving other custom characters the Varangian Blood quirk.

Custom 2 character is sniper. You want to get weird science up to (eventually) 6 so they can wear the chemtek chest piece, stop putting points in when you hit that level. They snipe (usually one/turn due to high AP cost) but also toss out deployables using their spare AP. Try to get rank 10 sneaky shit perk for bonus sneak attack damage.

Custom 3 is your leader character and uses pistols, has first aid perks and mainly buffs allies and rezes them, uses pistols for applying debuffs if you have a poison or cold mod. Maybe give them the other trinket from punk lovers (+10% strike rate). That way this character can cripple enemies regularly.

Custom 4 character is melee, just build them with speed, STR, luck, ignore crit, have Varangian Blood.

Edit: Start by focusing on your weapon skill and a primary skill (lockpick, nerd shit, mechanics, sneaky shit, explosives)

Question for you: with all those heroes maxed like that, what's your preferred team: tanks, aircraft, or missiles?

I know it depends on situations, but overall?

They seem to take very little damage compared to most other enemies and then they walk up to you and sploot you with their brain-stalk thingy and knock you down. They're just super annoying.

They work even if you don't have it equipped. I know because I got that one and then immediately checked if I could unequip it and still have the benefits. Thank God.

Your ball is telling you that you leave too many splits. Hahahhahahahahaha

I appreciate that you like the guide, but this was written years ago. It has not been updated since then. I stopped playing the game a long time ago (when my guild won #1 spot in global). That was a long time ago. I'm happy that you and others are still playing and enjoying the game. Maybe you should message a mod and ask them to update the guide, as I don't know how much of it is applicable anymore.

I assume it's rocket assist deployment. You need a certain minimum distance for a parachute to properly come out, unfurl and open. To speed that process, a rocket could be used to pull the chute out to its full length immediately, giving it time to open within a shorter fall distance.

This is the first time I've heard of intercity truck tech. Is it in one of the research trees?

Maybe it's just me, but that guy didn't look like he was in any hurry or particularly upset.

I would choose either Violet or Scarlet to continue with and ditch the other. Their job is to stand in front and absorb damage; that's it. Scarlet one of them is useful and the other useless.

Stop building one of them because you're wasting resources; save those resources for a damage dealer and put them in the back row.


So if I ditch tanks and move directly to aircraft, I would have a good counter by the time that everyone is fully running all tank meta teams?

Does it matter if I have mixed units? E.g. 3 aircraft and 2 tanks? Does having a team of exclusively one unit type affect how they perform?

Edit: Also thank you for the information

Thanks a lot; I appreciate not only the answer to my question but the advice for future champs to focus on

Will I regret missing out on Carlie and DVA? Low spender here.

I'm a new player looking to spend ~$100 / month in game.

I have Murphy and Kim and am running an all tank team (as all beginners do, it looks like).

We have the Carlie and DVA event running right now. Are they important enough long-term that I should jump on this or, based on my projected spend, should I just focus on one tank team?
