They don't. Amazon lists like this all of the time then the price drops to actual retail. Are you new?

Lol are you for real? Have you ever been to a city before? This isn't a thing.

Its like you've never been to any store ever. They are all the same.

I was just a little guy. Watched them on my tiny TV.

He's been here for many years, man.

Yeah you may see him around town. Good guy that Doug Bradley.

The mental health system here is shit. My child has had a number of issues and they just treat them like they are a number. Take these meds, calm down, go home. Its pointless. Finding a good therapist/psychiatrist is also very hard here. They don't have time for you and do the same thing. Here's some meds, bye. Its ridiculous.

This is like when people put towels on chairs at the pool. Lame af. I will move that shit if I want.

Sort of the point of the show. Showing us how their fall really started.

If this flops will she blame men for its failure?

I only watch DVD now if its the only option.

Some differences. They showed them on the live stream. The extras make it more complete.

This movie sucks. Some of the worst acting I've ever seen, Takes me right out of the movie.

NTA - Thats rude of Ana. If she was a friend, why didn't she just ask you to try something different. You should have spitefully gone in the blackest dress you own.

This sub is filled with miserable people. Its not that serious. The Disney complaints are hilarious at this point. You are all broken records.

Very much so. This world is full of entitled babies. Much more important things to worry about.