:1: Chastain

I'm not sure it was Rick that made the difference, to be honest. I'm pretty sure Justin Marks knows that Ross needed to clean things up to be championship material, too.


I think it's this. He's getting what he can out of the car and trying to get good finishes without putting himself out of the race. His main objective should be making the playoffs, and then do whatever the hell he wants after he's in.

He clearly wasn't thrilled after last week's crash, but I think he knows not to open up that can of worms with Rick Hendrick now.

Anywhere. I don't give a crap.

I'd prefer it to be somewhere that is underserved like the PNW.because I think it would be good to put new eyes on the sport and give fans a chance to see a race more on their terms.

But wherever. One a year is good. Where we they want to take it.

One of the things I don't think translates well to people outside the NASCAR circle is how diverse their schedule is, even if it only included ovals. There are wildly different ovals on the schedule, and then throw in a street course and some road courses and it's pretty diverse for sure.

Yeah, you know Gibbs and Gragson really got knocked down a few wrungs with the move to Cup. Sometimes I love when a guy like Gibbs zips through the ranks and then gets to Cup and is... good. Just good.

:1: Chastain

Yeah, me too.

And it sucks for him because he could go really far if he stopped being an idiot on track sometimes. He's fast. He's just not smart. On the other hand, they need to nip this type of behavior in the bud when these guys are in the truck or Xfinity series and before they get to Cup. I don't like the idea of NASCAR penalizing people for stuff all the time but when you're a repeat offender, something's got to give.

True, but he could do whatever the hell he wanted with his time, money, and name. I'm glad he chose NASCAR and didn't just slap his name on a team with Denny and call it a day.

I mean to be fair, I was incredibly proud of Justin Haley for putting up the fight he did at the end of that race.

Obviously I expect SVG to be the favorite again, but I'm proud of what NASCAR regulars can do on road courses given that they only raced two per year until pretty recently.

:1: Chastain

Yeah it's pretty wild that Michael Jordan is more involved with a NASCAR team than Tony or Gene. 15 years ago I would have told you that was a crazy thought.

And I think Michael is actually very interested in what makes the team tick too. He's not just there for the hell of it.

I don't want them policing every little thing, but parking someone for a couple laps or for the rest of the race is warranted on something like this. I don't particularly like the idea of someone pulling this kind of stuff under caution and I think it sends an immediate message to everyone else that maybe they should hold themselves together.

I also think that those who are parked for two laps should become ineligible for the lucky dog on the next two cautions.

Solid comment.

That how I feel. Certainly results vary but I've been able to handle things well enough that I don't necessarily feel disabled most of the time, but every so often, definitely

One year he's a Supercars driver, the next year he's driving a Saucy Nuggs NASCAR car. What a story.

"I'm really looking forward for next year when we go to MontreAwwwww shit."

Christopher Bell: "When we get lights at Watkins Glen next year for the nigh...




You know, it would be really cool to race on a road course at night if someone installed them."

In all seriousness I don't care anymore. Night racing isn't a thing like it used to be.

:1: Chastain

SVG and it's not even close.

He's got a better shot at winning a road course and getting into the playoffs than Zane does on an oval, and I think he's more marketable to a wider variety of sponsors.

I like Zane, but I expected more out of him in Cup even despite running for Spire. I don't expect him to win or run up front often, but he's been underwhelming even for Spire.

:1: Chastain

For the first time in his NASCAR career, Shane Van Gisbergen's first name is the one butchered.

Because a lot of us that were around when they first started the GWC never asked for it in the first place.

Same with playoffs, the chase, stages, and double file restarts.

Add all of these together and you get shit shows at the end of races because everyone is fighting for every inch and at some point it gets comical. Last night was just that.

Now don't get me wrong, most of the time I enjoy these things, but the purist in me misses the olden days when things didn't get as rough at the end. On the flip side, I really enjoy that NASCAR has a system that encourages drivers to make the most of their day no matter what. I also don't want to see someone win by a lap either. There's a price we pay to have competition regularly that some other series don't have. Sometimes that price is looking like a clown show trying to finish a race.

Tldr, no one is ever happy but we still watch every week anyway.

Are you talking about NASCAR Technical Institute or PIT's Pit Crew U?

You know, people always bitching that you can't change a battery in a TPMS sensor but they're not addressing the fact that there's no access panel on the tire to do so easily. I mean if we're making it cheap for everyone, this would be the way to do it.