John was a pederast and not actually homeless. A character no doubt, but an absolute low life by every metric.

He was an early introduction to my tenure living near the hellhole that is DTX, along with the anti-racist canvassers who would scream you were a racist if you didn't contribute to the cause.

This is why I've taken up cycling as my primary sport even though I was a decent golfer. It's just not worth the pain my friends, there are so many other things you could actually get really good at. Still play on occasion but with a completely different mindset. I simply don't care.

Any employer with an infinite pool of eager candidates is generally going to suck. I feel for you.

It's remarkable how his arguably holy ethos was built around him not being a Westerner and it turns out well he's a flawed individual like everyone else.

This but get a micro hand pump, lighter than a CO2 and infinite uses.


So I made a thread a while back about my auto insurance rate soaring through the roof despite having a perfect driving record (nearly doubled!)

I finally got around to addressing it with an independent agent, who informed me GEICO is purposely jacking up insurance rates as a tactic to get out of the state.

We have the 10th highest insurance rates in the nation, but things have really accelerated this change recently. I highly recommend you reach out to an independent agent, especially if you have GEICO!

Because we live in a decadent society where a small entitled class of people needs everything delivered on a whim, utilizing a race to the bottom workforce of undocumented migrants in a state that does not require the registration or licensing of 50cc Chinese scooters, in a city that does not enforce basic traffic laws.

Just as the leaves turn orange signaling another autumn, so to do the beach riots and violence for the start of summer.

  1. Move to Europe
  2. Start an artisanal sandworm farm
  3. ???
  4. Profit

Bike Tech or Cell Tech, or Both?


Durianrider turned me onto squirt wax, no complaints!

Sweet rig! And if I may, I'd recommend a bit of saddle tilt given your drop ratio.

You guys pay to use the toilet so there!

Yes. I skied 500k feet of vert this winter, hadn't touched the bike all winter and unintentionally put out my best 5 minute power output on the third ride of the season this year.

But here's the thing, I didn't "go on" as you say about their physical appearance, I simply mentioned it as an aside to a peer reviewed study that literally says endurance training can lower testosterone levels and in some cases cause hypogonadism.

Zero judgement or hate towards pros, just a factual observation.

And it's simply an interesting aspect of the sport, testosterone is required for recovery and repair and yet cycling (at a certain level of training) inhibits our natural ability to recover. This is likely why the sport is so rife with doping historically, which is again speculation but factually correct.

I was trying to be polite, but imagine if you brought up estrogen levels regarding women and cycling in another thread, and I, a man, started projecting on you being insecure or triggered. I am interested in optimizing my training and performance, to ignore maintaining healthy hormone levels in this regard would be outright asinine. Please do a little self reflection.

Yeah I am really shocked at the responses here, this is really basic science with a lot of data to back it up. Suggesting men's testosterone levels don't matter is absolutely laughable, especially when you have a heavy training load. And it is absolutely a fact that men's levels are plummeting across the west due to a myriad of suspected reasons.

No concern, just think it's something to be aware of and consider. I do everything to optimize my sleep for example as a counter measure. I work a very physical job on top of training, so perhaps for me it's more of a concern to stay healthy and recover the best I can.

Endurance Training and TestosteroneDiscussion

According to some studies, frequent endurance exercise CAN lower testosterone and in some cases cause induced hypogonadism in males.

Dylan Johnson has gone into this a bit.

An anecdotal observation, but the best of the best these days look far more like young teens than the full grown men of the past and I think you would all agree with that statement.

We also know healthy testosterone levels are absolutely crucial to recovery, especially for a high workload. Training plus recovery equals progress.

So I'm curious to hear what you all think. Do you care? Do you optimize for healthy testosterone? Do you get your levels tested? Thoughts? Tips?


Hey did you try a 28 on the front? I am thinking 25 in the rear and 28 in the front. Thank you!

Why? Because we live in a decadent society where a small entitled class of people needs everything delivered on a whim, utilizing a race to the bottom workforce of undocumented migrants in a state that does not require the registration or licensing of 50cc Chinese scooters, in a city that does not enforce basic traffic laws.

Ecoflow refurbished off eBay, no better PS for the money. Good luck friend, I feel for you. Marriage means next to nothing today and sadly kids face the wrath of that.