The best way I found so far when it comes to Selenium-Tests is, that you apply the Page Object pattern.

This basically means, for each page you want to test, you have a Page Object using that as a controller for interacting with the page and then you have a test, using that page object. This achieves the following:

  1. reusability of the page you want to test in general

  2. separation of controller and test code

Some links:

It is unfortunately not that spread out there, but it helps you a lot to write proper tests.

Not related to your question, but without knowing your use-case the hash map structure looks weird.

  1. you may get a lot of hash collisions with your implementation and are not handling that properly.

  2. according to your current implementation each entry in a table has the same key. Given that fact, the structure looks weird.


I have the Nemo Dragonfly 1 P Bikepacking tent and I like it a lot. If I want something lighter or cheaper I would try out the Six Moon Design - Lunar Solo (as mentioned by others). If I want something more robust, I'd go with the Slingfin Portal 1

Your best options are Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ or Visual Studio Code (the order is random, not favoring them in any way).

I have used all of them, and find they have all pros and cons, but the most I like IntelliJ, while Visual Studio Code I like the least (for Java programming).

Just try them out and see what fits you the most. Or maybe you are already familiar with any of them, so install the Java language plugins and go for it.

Do you like to elaborate why you did this?

One thing almost noone will tell you is: In order to make any decision, be it the bike, the components, the bags, the rack, the tent, the sleeping-bag, etc, you need to have experience. If you start out, you don’t have that. That is why some suggest, just go out with what you have, because with experience, the more you know what works for you. Be patient, and everything will be all okay. However, making “mistakes” is part of the journey and will bring you closer to what really works for you. Cheers and good luck out there.

650b bike rider here. I switched to CONTINENTAL Terra Trail ProTection 27,5'' (40-584), they were pretty easy to install. Was even able to pull one with my bear hands on the wheel. Have not changed it yet, though. Not cheap though.

Mit Bürgergeld wäre das nicht passiert 

If it is social media compatible it is too easy reachable so I have no interest anyways

Dumb question, what trrs cable are you using? I used a metal framed one and I don’t have a case, so the metal cable were shorting some circuits on the back, resulting in weird behaviour. Besides this, I had a similar issue, where the oleds didn’t work anymore: I had a solderdrop circuiting accidentally RST and GND, resulting in an endless reset. Not saying this is the root cause, but giving some things I encoutnered, so maybe you get some ideas were to look as well.

I flashed the same firmware on both sides. When you connect each side individually does it work?

I had the same issue. You have to define one as the “leading” side. AFAIK this is the left side by default. So your USB should go into the left side and then it should work.

Also ich blockiere alle, die mir nicht gefallen oder blöd kommen. Angenehm. Verkauft hab ich aber schon lange nichts mehr. Merkwürdig.

I found that most people just don’t see me or the bike when I am bikepacking except they are into bike packing themselves. So don’t worry too much about it. The sheer thought of even touching the bike with all the bags and such is too much work for most people.

„Ja, wir leben in einer offenen Beziehung und haben öfters wechselnde Geschlechtspartner. Kommen Sie doch mal bei Gelegenheit dazu.“. Hast dann für immer deine Ruhe. Manchen Leuten kann man es nicht recht machen.

It is your life and your decisions. Not every decision or life choice is for everyone. Keep that in mind

In nen Eimer stellen und mit nem Hammer drauf klopfen. Problem gelöst.

Verstehe das Problem nicht ganz. Er scheint klar zu kommen. Das einzige Problem für mich scheint zu sein dass du (OP) mit dem Leben deines Bruders nicht einverstanden bist. Das ist aber dein und nicht sein Problem. Du kannst ihn helfen und unterstützen andere Wege zu sehen, aber er ist ein erwachsener Mensch und hat seine eigenen Wünsche Ideen u d Ziele. Diese können anders sein als deine.

I would suggest starting small. If you are on a longer trip and have never done it it can be very overwhelming so try to learn the outdoor living aspect. Don’t give up on your worst day and nothing is ever as bad as it looks. The body is a very optimiced and well performing machine. 

60€, davon die hälfte, sind 30€. Alleine so einen Beitrag hier erstellen ist teurer.

Willkürliche Antwort: wahoo element bolt 2. Pause Funktion deaktivieren. Funktioniert gerade bei längeren Touren besser als Telefon weil weniger Akku hungrig