Question about dual sim Question

Hi all! Not sure if this is place for this but I have a question about dual sim abroad. I just recently moved abroad for a year and up until now I’ve been using the AT&T international day pass on my phone. I finally got a phone number/data plan for NZ and have the eSIM on my phone. I am trying to now avoid the $10 a day charge from AT&T so my question is, do I need to turn the line off in my settings in order to avoid that? Or if I have my NZ set as the primary for data, phone calls and texts will I not get charged? Also, will I still receive iMessage’s sent to my US number even if I am using my NZ number for everything? Sorry if the questions are a bit confusing, I am just confused all around. Thanks for any input!

Trying to understand qualifications Do I Qualify?

Recently I’ve been doing a bit of research regarding my ability to obtain an Italian passport through decent. I just have a question that I may have already answered myself but I am not sure if there would be a way around this or if I am understanding the information incorrectly. My paternal grandmother was born and raised in Italy but immigrated to the US when she was 14 years old in May of 1954. Because she was a minor at the time, they stripped her of her Italian citizenship and gave her US citizenship but her brother, who I believe was 19 at the time of their immigration, was able to keep his Italian citizenship. She was born to Italian citizens although I am unsure if they renounced their citizenship when they came to the us and both of her grandparents were citizens as well. I assume this means there a break in line therefore disqualifying me? Or could I go through her parents or grandparents citizenship? This all is a bit confusing to me so some guidance would be very helpful.

Travel health insurance

Hi all! I’m leaving in 2 weeks to live in New Zealand for a year and one of the terms of my visa is travel health insurance. I’ve been doing loads and loads of research about the best companies to use and I keep coming to a dead end. I’m mostly looking for just basic coverage, a few GP visits and emergency coverage. I’ve looked into world nomads, IMG, genki and April. I thought genki was the one but now I’ve looked into it more and it doesn’t seem to be reliable. Does anybody have first hand experience filling a claim with any of these companies or have a recommendation for a company that will actually pay out a claim. Thank you!!

Travel health insurance

Hi all! I’m leaving in 2 weeks to live in New Zealand for a year and one of the terms of my visa is travel health insurance. I’ve been doing loads and loads of research about the best companies to use and I keep coming to a dead end. I’m mostly looking for just basic coverage, a few GP visits and emergency coverage. I’ve looked into world nomads, IMG, genki and April. I thought genki was the one but now I’ve looked into it more and it doesn’t seem to be reliable. Does anybody have first hand experience filling a claim with any of these companies or have a recommendation for a company that will actually pay out a claim. Thank you!!

Thank you! This is all super helpful:)

Thank you! This is a friendship I’ve struggled a lot with as I am a very independent person and you’re right, it does feel like she expects me to be like her other half. All of my other friends respect my boundaries and understand that I like to be my own person. I feel like she sees me set boundaries with them and thinks that I don’t set boundaries with her because I don’t want to but truthfully it’s because whenever I have tried it’s become a fight and I’ve just stopped trying to avoid conflict(which is absolutely on me.) She doesn’t like being told no and it’s really hard for me to want to spend time with her because of this. Your input was great, thanks again:)

Thank you! No prescriptions more so just otc things. That is good to know though!

I think my friend has a crush on me

I(24f) met Sarah(25f) about 5 years ago through a mutual friend. At first we weren’t super close but after spending quite a bit of time together we ended up getting close and I consider her one of my best friends. Over the years a few weird things have happened and after a conversation with her last week I’m starting to question how she views our friendship.

First off, a few years ago we lived together and within the first couple of weeks, she got very very upset with me, like wouldn’t talk to me for a whole day for going to hangout with another good female friend of mine(someone she had only met maybe once) and not inviting her.

Also during this time I started dating a guy and she would often get upset or be passive aggressive towards me when I would hangout with him or spend the night at his instead of our apartment.

Many times since we lived together she has gotten jealous or again, acted passive aggressively towards me when I spend time with other close friends and not include her even when she is not able to be there(we only live in the same city part of the time)

Most recently we were having drinks together and out of nowhere she said “do you think people ever think we’re a couple?” and I simply responded “no I don’t think so” and she immediately got defensive and said “well I think they do” and I quickly changed the subject but ever since then I can’t stop thinking about it.

She has only ever dated men and never outwardly shown an interest in women but she was raised in a semi religious family and went to catholic school all throughout her life so I don’t know if that plays a factor. She’s had one long term relationship(in high school) and a few short term situationships but she has gone on dates with many men and none of them seem to go past a second date.

All of my other friends think that it’s weird that she got so defensive about that question and I do too but this could all be in my head. I just feel like an outsiders perspective would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

Moving to New Zealand

Hi all! In a few weeks I’ll be moving from the US to New Zealand to start a year long working holiday visa. As I’m preparing I’m wondering if there’s anything I should bring from here that I can’t get there or is better over here(otc medicine etc.) I appreciate any input. Thanks!

Hi:) I have a definition of the relationship. Friends with benefits is the title we’ve given it however he is treating as more than that in my opinion and I just wanted other peoples thoughts on it. Thanks!

We are not, he’s on medication so it’s causing issues with that. I genuinely don’t mind waiting for when he’s comfortable with it and he knows this. I did express to him that I would be upset if he were to sleep with someone else before me, he agreed that would be shitty of him, although how would I even know if he did. But am I supposed to feel guilty if I go and sleep with someone else?

My apologies, I’m not a very frequent poster on reddit. I am [20F]and he’s [24M] if that helps at all. Thanks in advance!!!