Being attracted to an amputee in of itself isn’t an issue, but fetishes based on amputations are fuckin weird. I get people can’t always help their fetishes, but they can help how they deal with them. I’ve had too many weird encounters with devotees to trust them as a group.

I love this, and wish my cat had enough chill for this, lol.

Frontier City isn’t worth visiting from an hour away let alone from another state.

Her BMI is probably 100+ so I’ll go with that.

They’re both permanent. The sleeve can be converted to the bypass but neither can be reversed back to their pre-op state. Ultimately it’s a decision you and your doctor have to make.

At night, my cat won’t let me sleep, so I have to keep the door closed. He loves daytime naps with me though so it’s not a matter of him not being welcome in my bed for silly reasons.

I’m 9 months PO and I do feel hunger but it’s still nothing like before surgery, and my life doesn’t revolve around satisfying specific cravings. I do mostly keep junk out of the house tho since I have had urges to snack on chips and such if I know they’re around.

I've heard people might lose more with the bypass but I'm not entirely convinced, as I've seen the same kinds of results with sleeve patients. Some people in this group have gone from the 400s or even 500s down to a healthy weight-range. I'm not saying the bypass is a "bad" option but I really see no benefit to having my entire guts rearranged vs. a simpler procedure.

I do, because it keeps me in check. Calories are hidden in a lot of things that we don't think about and it can be easy to go overboard without tracking. I use the Baritastic app. It's mostly pretty good, not perfect, but helps give a general idea of where you stand on a day-to-day basis. It allows you to track protein and other macros as well.

The sleeve is the safest and least invasive option. I can’t think of a reason to choose bypass over the sleeve unless you have really bad GERD. You can achieve the same results with the sleeve and with fewer food intolerances and side-effects (dumping syndrome is super common with bypass).

Leaving is sometimes easier said than done. I've been trying to leave ever since I ended up here 7.5 years ago, lol. It is cheap though and that's exactly why so many are stuck here.

Should be fine, I’ve had no issues with caffeine. Some people struggle with certain dairy products, myself included, depending on the day, however.

I’d love chewable-only options cuz the horse pills and chalky tablets are just the worst.

I feel the same way about pizza and gatherings now. Before, I would worry that there'd not be enough to be satisfied, and I'd of course not wanna be "that person" who eats all the pizza. Depending on the size, 1 or 2 slices is all I need to be full, and sometimes 1/2 a slice if it's an XL or NY style pizza.

Rasoi for good Indian food. Their mutton roast is one of my favorite dishes.

Out of curiosity, I looked this girl up, and she has really good sense of style. She seems to care about how she dresses and presents herself.

Constipation comes with the territory with getting sleeved, unfortunately. Take fiber gummies, stool softeners, Miralax, needed. Also keep up with hydration.

In Edmond, probably the Patriarch, though it is a bit on the pricey side.

I was about 290 when I had my surgery on 9/28/23 and I’m now down to 175 with 160-165 being my goal. I was 315 around this time last year before doing the pre-op diet.

I was also depressed during my pre-op and even early post-op diets, but I am so glad I stuck it out because it’s been worth it. These stages are temporary. You’ll get through it and you’ll also look back and realize you made the right decision.

I admit I sometimes miss eating a full meal but also leftovers are amazing and you save a lot of $. I still enjoy eating and one entree can last me 2-3 days.

I want to someday but lack the funds and mental energy rn 😭